Member Spotlight | Hoops and Heart

Member Spotlight | Hoops and Heart

Hoops and Heart

A shared love for fitness and basketball led to a mutual attraction between Lane and Susan C. Having met on the Clemson University basketball court back in college, their enjoyment of the sport influenced their decision to join LA Fitness, which offers Club Leagues basketball – a fun way for them to stay active together.

Where Their Journey Began 

Lane C.* joined LA Fitness in the fall of 2008, primarily to have a place to practice and play basketball. However, after being a member for a while, Lane started to utilize other amenities like the cardio and weight equipment, and the Pro Results® Personal Training program**. Since joining LA Fitness, Lane has lost 15 pounds and notices positive changes in his physical health now that he’s made fitness a part of his daily routine. Lane hopes to lose another 15-18 pounds and increase his cardio endurance, flexibility and agility.

His wife, Susan C., has been playing basketball since high school and used to work out with her fellow teammates at a local LA Fitness where she used to live in Marietta, GA. When she moved out to California years later, she continued working out at LA Fitness in order to maintain her workout routine and healthy lifestyle. Another huge draw for Susan was the Club Leagues basketball league. Lane was already involved in the league, so she decided to join too so that she could participate in league games with him.

“Always keep your fitness goal in mind. Even if it’s late on a Friday night, I ask myself if it means more for me to eat a bag of chips or be able to jump without added weight or inflammation come Monday afternoon. The benefits of fitness always outweigh the “cons” not only physically but also mentally. Plus, there are plenty of good alternatives to things we enjoy which, in some cases, I’ve come to enjoy just as much if not more. Stay focused.”

Lane C. 

The Group League Experience 

Lane and Susan shared that their involvement in the league has led to many close friendships over the years. Susan notes that her experience in Club Leagues basketball “creates a comradery and a social circle in and of itself, and that has been an added bonus.” Lane added that “it gives [them] the opportunity to play in a competitive, well-organized format which [they] enjoy.” He went on to add, “One of the highlights of my day is getting off work and meeting her at the gym for a ‘shoot-around’ warmup and workout.”

Aside from basketball, Susan enjoys the Group Fitness cycle classes** that are included with LA Fitness memberships. She explained to me that cycling helps her with her endurance and helps build and maintain her leg muscles, which helps her stay strong and avoid injury on the basketball court. Susan hopes to tone up her muscles and maintain her cardio and endurance levels so she’s always ready  should a spontaneous game of basketball arise. Her main goal is to find a routine of cardio, strength and circuit exercises that she could realistically commit to with her busy work schedule.

When asked what piece of fitness advice she could give to others, Susan shared:

“Not to get discouraged if you get off track. There are always going to be things that get in the way (vacations, crazy work hours, family time, etc.), and if I get off track one week or two, I oftentimes struggle with wanting to check out mentally because I feel like I have lost my momentum or progress. That can snowball into a longer period of time if you don’t catch yourself. The truth is, a day or two, or even a week or two will not derail your goals, and the quicker you get back on track the better you will feel. Try to fight the negative thinking the best you can and just get back into your routine the next chance you get so you don’t find yourself with regret because you waited too long.”

Lane C., Susan C., and team, from their winning basketball championship game. June 2014.

Sweet Inspiration

We asked Susan and Lane to share with us something that inspires them about the other, and this is what they had to say:

I’m always inspired by Lane’s commitment to playing basketball and/or working out several times a week, no matter how busy he is. For him, it’s a given that he will find a way to work it into his schedule. I’m also inspired by his ability to connect and get along with so many different people. He is a staple at the LA Fitness basketball courts and has the respect of a lot of the regulars there and other nearby LA Fitness gyms, so I’m always proud to tell someone that he is my husband. Basketball is a competitive sport and can get heated, but he always conducts himself in a way that makes me proud to tell people I’m his wife.  He also has never made me feel out of place for being the only girl out there. He embraces it and embraces me as his teammate and I love that – just like he and I do in our marriage.

Susan C.

I am constantly inspired by Susan’s work ethic and her ability to prioritize. Regardless of what life throws at her, she always gets the priorities accomplished. She also encourages me to eat well and maintain an active lifestyle. She played D1 college basketball and understands the benefits of fitness. Because of that, she inspires me to push harder than I might otherwise because she knows what’s on the other side of all that effort and sacrifice. I’m also very fortunate that my wife loves the game of basketball as much as me. We’ve been able to play together in a number of leagues together and make many mutual friends along the way. Additionally, she is one of the most genuine people I know, and that carries over to every aspect of her life whether it be fitness, work, basketball, etc. She genuinely cares about what is in the best interest of others, and I think that has a lot to do with the reason she is able to maintain at such a high level.  Selfishness drains a person of many things, but she’s one of the most selfless people I know.

Lane C.

No doubt, the basketball-loving duo will help each other stay on track and reach their own personal fitness goals.

*While the opinions herein are Lane and Susan’s own, Lane is an employee of LA Fitness and receives a free membership in connection with his employment.

**Classes and amenities vary by location and may be subject to an additional fee.

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LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

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Summer Sizzle Fitness Tips

Summer Sizzle Fitness Tips

Beat the Heat at LA Fitness

There are many reasons to love summer: the longer days, the sunshine, the warmer weather. Although, that summer heat can certainly leave our bodies feeling a bit sluggish. This is because when the weather starts to warm up our bodies go into what can be explained as a sort of hyper-drive cooling state. Internally, our bodies are working extra hard to maintain a consistent temperature and while that is happening, our heart rates and metabolic rates can increase too.1 The extra effort being exerted by your body can leave you feeling sleepy even if you’ve been doing something as simple as sitting in the sun.

So the question stands, how can you motivate yourself to get to the gym and work out when all your body seems to want to do is lay around? Well, it’s important to first note that it’s OK to let your body rest. In fact, our bodies need it! Especially in hot weather. Fatigue can be a cause of dehydration or exposure to too much sun. Make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water. The more our bodies sweat, the more they need rehydration. Your body also loses salts when you sweat too, so if you feel like your body needs a bit of extra replenishment, try rotating between water and a refreshing drink with electrolytes.

Tips to Beat the Summer Heat

1. Opt For Indoor Exercise

Yes, it’s safe to say that most people seem to enjoy spending extra time outdoors in the summer time. However, when it comes to working out, you may want to bring the exercise indoors. Try brining your run to the treadmill, cool off while swimming some laps at an indoor LA Fitness pool, or try cycling in a Group Fitness class instead of outdoors.* When your body gets too hot, it puts more of a strain on your workout routine. Maintain your normal workout pace by keeping cool.

2. Give Yoga A Try 

Why yoga? Well, when the temperature gets hotter it can help the body to become more flexible.2  Not only may you have better luck engaging in yoga when your body temperature is higher, but yoga has been known to have relaxing effects on the body.3 If you’re feeling too tired for your typical workout routine, this may be a nice alternative. Find an LA Fitness club that offers yoga here.

3. Eat More of Nature’s Candy

Summer time treats can be amped up with the addition of healthy fruits. In fact, watermelon and strawberries contain about 92% water. Other high water volume fruits are cantaloupe, peaches, pineapple, raspberries and oranges, all ranking between 87-90% water. This helps replenish fluids in our bodies and can give our bodies a natural boost of energy post-workout.4

4. Chill Out

Taking a cold shower before your workout may “help reduce the risk of your body’s core temperature rising too quickly.”5 What does that mean for you? Well, it can help increase your body’s performance by allowing a greater possible increase in muscle temperature and heart rate before your body begins to overheat. Essentially, by allowing your body to experience the drop in temperature, you have given yourself more time to work out before your core temperature reaches peak levels.6 It’s important that you check with your physician before trying this technique, as a cooling pre-workout shower isn’t meant for everyone.

5. Take Exercise Along on the Vacation

Summer is a great time for vacations with family and friends! One of the best things about exercising is that it can be done almost anywhere. If you’re heading to the lake, splash around and burn some calories. Are you taking the vacation to the beach? Spend some time building sandcastles with the kids. Are you escaping to the mountains? Try hiking to get some cardio in. Just make sure no matter what you’re doing for exercise, you’re listening to your body and staying hydrated.

 LAF, LA Fitness, LA Fitness guest pass, send a guest pass for LAF

Why workout alone? Send a friend or family member a guest pass today!**

*Classes and amenities vary by location.

**Guest passes subject to additional terms and conditions. See website for details.

How do you choose to exercise in the summer? Do you have a favorite hobby that’s both fit and fun?
Share it with us below!


  1. Ware, Arista. “Why Being in the Sun Makes You Tired.” Sleep.Org. Sleep.Org, 10 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 June 2017.
  2. Rossi, Carey. “Increase Your Flexibility 205%.” Prevention. N.p., 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 22 June 2017.
  3. “Stress Management: Practicing Yoga to Relax.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 22 June 2017.
  4. Sklar, Hallie Levine. “Love Your Summer Workout: 10 Motivation Tricks.” Fitness Magazine. N.p., 11 Feb. 2008. Web. 22 June 2017.
  5. Trimarchi, Maria. “Should Men Shower before a Workout?” HowStuffWorks. N.p., 14 Feb. 2011. Web. 22 June 2017.
  6. Ibid

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Commit to Fit | Summer Edition!

Commit to Fit | Summer Edition!

Commit to Fit

Do you have a fitness goal? Let us know here! To learn more about Commit to fit, click here.

Goals, Commitments, Community

These are our most recent members who have committed to their fitness goals.

Yolany G.

Yolany G. wants to lose 20 pounds, and it looks like she’s well on her way to achieving that goal. Keep up the hard work!

Scott H.

Scott H. wants to live forever! Can you blame him? Life in the water seems pretty refreshing after all!

Darien H.

Darien H. is a personal trainer at LA Fitness & his fitness goal is to have a better quality of life. Keep going!

Chris G.

Chis G. hopes to improve his strength & athletic agility – sounds like an achievable fitness goal, Chris! Keep it up.

Alex H., Sean A., & Dakota L.

Alex H. wants to be a lean, mean, fighting machine! Sean A. & Dakota want to maintain being healthy. Keep staying active guys!

Stephanie Y.

Stephanie Y.’s fitness goal is to stay healthy & to keep challenging herself. Stick to your goals & you can do it!

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A Beginner’s Guide to Cycle

A Beginner’s Guide to Cycle

“You don’t always get what you wish for, but you get what you work for.”

Gail T.

Group Fitness Cycle Instructor , LA Fitness

Cycling –

It may first draw to mind the Tour de France, cycling legend Eddy Merckx, or Queen’s famous hit song “Bicycle Race”. It’s a sport that has been become increasingly popular over recent years, with trendy new businesses being built around the bike and the benefits its users reap when exercising. However, cycling itself has been around for quite some time. In fact, cycling was first introduced to the Olympic Games as early as 1896 Yet, you don’t need to be an Olympic athlete, or even training for a bike race, to gain the benefits of cycling. You can simply enjoy biking or want to explore the idea of how engaging in a cycling class can help you get in better shape. If you’ve been curious about this fitness method, many LA Fitness club locations offer Group Fitness cycle classes that are complimentary with LA Fitness memberships.

Before getting started, there are some things you should know:

  1. It’s OK to be nervous.
  2. Bring water, and plenty of it.
  3. Classes are open to all fitness and skill levels.
  4. You can easily cycle at your own pace.
  5. Spandex is not required (but always fun).

Trying anything new can sometimes bring with it a sense of nervousness. It’s alright to go into a class a little worried. However, that’s why the Group Fitness instructor is there. If it’s your first time, let the instructor know. Oftentimes, they will ask at the beginning of the class if it’s anyone’s first time. That way, they can help you adjust your seat height and pedal straps and answer any questions you may have before getting started.

Cycling can be a somewhat vigorous and high-paced class, lasting approximately 50 minutes, so ensure you have enough water to stay hydrated. It’s important to always have water with you when working out, no matter what exercise you choose. Most LA Fitness cycle bikes even have a convenient water bottle holder, so you have easy access to your hydration.

Whether you’re new to cycling or you’re an experienced rider, all skill levels are welcomed to class. Instructors will often give you a range to work between for gear level and RPM (revolutions per minute), so you can adjust it to your own personal preference/skill set. Don’t go in to your first class thinking you have to go at full capacity or stay for the entire class. Do what feels the most comfortable for you, and your body will slowly build up endurance.

Cycling shoes are preferred by some riders, but are not a requirement for an LA Fitness group cycle class. Clothing can be loose or tight fitting, depending on your personal preference. Bring along a small workout towel to help wipe away excess sweat and don’t forget the most important thing – have fun!

Cycling doesn’t have to be a race. Think of it as a fun and fresh way to stay in shape, all while pedaling your way to a slimmer waist.

We interviewed cycle enthusiast and Group Fitness cycle instructor, Gail T. who shared her views on why you should give cycling a chance.

Q: What do you think sets cycling apart from other Group Fitness classes?

Gail T.: Cycling classes are unique. They are an amazing cardio workout and can be done by everyone, as the workout can be tailored to personal needs or goals. Cycling is different than other classes as it’s relatively easy to follow the instructor and get a great workout, even on your first ride. Anyone of any age or fitness level can do a cycling class. You can modify it to accommodate your fitness level or build up your cardio endurance, or you can scale it back if you are recovering from injuries.

Q: Why choose cycle over other aerobic options?

GT: People often ask why cycling? To be honest, I think cardio wise, it’s the best bang for your buck in burning calories, getting fit, and being able to quickly be a part of a team. In cycling, we do it all. We do intervals, hills, sprints, and mountains, which make you stronger and healthier with every class. It’s a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) class and it’s a lot of work, but also a lot of fun! Each member controls how easy or how hard the workout is by changing the gear on his or her bike.

“I don’t believe you have to be better than anybody else. I believe you have to be better than YOU ever thought you could be.”

Gail T.

Group Fitness Cycle Instructor, LA Fitness

Q: What does cycling mean to you?

GT: I’ve been teaching cycle classes for years and this year marks my 14th anniversary with LA Fitness. I was hooked with cycling classes from the very first class I ever took and being an instructor really pushed me out of my comfort zone. Over the years, I’ve tried to share my passion for fitness and cycling with everyone I meet. I’ve made countless friends over the years, and having new members join the team on a regular basis makes classes extra fun. No ride is ever the same and it’s amazing how quickly you’ll progress from being a first time rider who is unsure of what to do, to becoming a rockstar, full of energy and power!

Q: If you could give one piece of fitness advice to our readers, what would it be?

GT: Just try a class. The first class is often your worst class, but if you kind of like it, it will only get better. You will notice that the more you do it, the better you get and we all like doing what we are good at. So, take a chance and embrace the opportunity to focus on YOU for an hour. I feel strongly that each person is entitled to some you time and you’ll never regret a great workout!

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Member Spotlight | Motivated to Make a Change

Member Spotlight | Motivated to Make a Change

The First Day of Forever 

There comes a moment in most of our lives, when suddenly something causes us to want to make a change for the better. For Bryson I. of Anaheim Hills, CA, it was when he weighed in at 280 lbs. It was the heaviest he had ever been in his life. His waist measured 42 inches, and he was noticing that his body’s health was beginning to take a toll. Bryson was told he was borderline diabetic, and with those words, something triggered inside of him – sparking a fitness crave that would ultimately change his life.

“This is the best part; best part of anything is the moment before it starts! Life is beautiful – keep it going at LA Fitness!”

– Bryson I.

It was about a year and five months ago when Bryson walked through the front doors of the Anaheim Hills LA Fitness club. He met with Abed, the General Manager, and signed up for a membership that day. He was determined to take back control of his health. However, this headstrong determination would come as no surprise to those who know Bryson.

Growing up, Bryson had always been involved in sports. In fact, sports were ingrained into his family’s lifestyle. However, 13 years had since passed since Bryson was actively engaged on a sports team, and now he missed playing. He chose LA Fitness because his father had been an avid member his entire life. Bryson wanted to choose a place that not only felt like family, but where he could train with them as well.

Focus, Family & Food

Knowing that it would take a total lifestyle change in order to reap both physical and health benefits, Bryson cut out soda, fast food, energy drinks, and alcohol for 6 months. This wasn’t necessarily an easy thing for Bryson to do, considering he is a professional in the restaurant industry working as a marketing and sales executive. His position allows him the privilege to work with all types of famous and talented chefs, making food a constant staple in his life. However, he had made up his mind that he had to change his diet to obtain the results he desired.

“When I started to see a change in my body, that’s what got me hooked, that’s when I got addicted to change my entire life for the better and share my process with others on social media, and “Bryson 2.0” was born.”

– Bryson I.

Since starting on his fitness journey, Bryson has lost 80 lbs. and gained a growing number of fitness followers on his social media channels. He chalks up his 80-pound loss to a healthy change in diet, as well as making working out a priority. Bryson shared that most of his inspiration stems from his father and sister. His father, Kimo, has been lifting at LA Fitness since Bryson was 5 years old. Kimo had, and continues to act, as a type of fitness coach to his son, which Bryson describes as being “truly an honor”. Because of his father’s years of lifting experience, he was able to help guide his son into the world of lifting. His sister, Malia, has also been dedicated throughout the years by working out daily and meal prepping. Bryson describes his family as being “a big inspiration to me when I lift at LA Fitness, it’s what keeps me going.”

“When you lift, intentionally focus on you, set short and long term goals and don’t give up until you meet them. Also, remember that at LA Fitness you are part of a team, a family. Together, we are all gonna make it!”

– Bryson I.

Where is he now?

Bryson has been asked to compete in his first NPC (National Physique Committee) national qualifier in Hawaii and Olympia, which he is very excited about. And perhaps even greater news is what he heard from his doctor, a year after first starting on his fitness journey. Bryson shared that “he was so impressed to see my body change and health exponentially improve. Because of my LA Fitness family, I have a new life with a new body.” Bryson hopes that his transformation will inspire others to do the same.

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LA Fitness Easter Hours 2021

LA Fitness Easter Hours 2021

LA Fitness will be open on Easter Sunday, April 4th 2021! Modified clubs hours are below!Easter Sunday Hours Sunday, April 4th (U.S. & Canada) Club Hours: 8AM - 4PM Regular hours will resume on Monday, except in Canada (Alberta clubs be open from 8AM to 10PM,...



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