Spices to Help Boost Immunity and Fight Inflammation

Spices to Help Boost Immunity and Fight Inflammation

Spices are known for imparting flavor, but they are also an integral part of maintaining health and preventing disease! The medicinal value of spices has been recognized for thousands of years by the ancient Indian medical system known as Ayurveda.1 Since many diseases are a result of weak immune systems or chronic inflammation, preventing these two states can make a big difference in your health.

The immune response is a built-in defense system, protecting the body from foreign invaders and infection by communicating between cells and their chemical signals. While our skin is the outer shield of our bodies, our gut mucosa serves as the internal barrier. What we eat (especially nutrients, alcohol, coffee, spices, and salted food) affects this barrier, which is the starting point of most immune responses. It’s true that a healthy immune system can ward off infection from cold-causing germs. However, our immune systems are also activated by the longer-term stimuli of physical stress, psychosocial stress or malnutrition.2

Chronic low-grade inflammation is a prolonged and abnormal immune response of altered cell communication that does not resolve itself, leading to ill health and a variety of life-threatening conditions.2,3 This “silent inflammation” is connected to several diseases of advanced age such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and certain cancers.4 Persistent inflammation is also involved in the development of obesity (and associated metabolic complications), inflammatory bowel disease, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis.2,3,5 Inflammation of the nervous system plays a key part in neurodegenerative diseases, mood disorders (including depression and anxiety), and pain.2

Beneficial Spices

Spices come from the roots, bark, and seeds of the plant, while herbs* are the leaves. Essentially, any part of the plant that is not a leaf and can be used for seasoning may be considered a spice. 

Spices and other medicinal plants have many bio-active compounds. Some have antibiotic properties (boosting our innate immunity against infections) and others are anti-inflammatory agents.5,6,7 Nutraceuticals present in several spices have shown potential to inhibit or reverse inflammatory responses and help prevent many chronic diseases related to sustained inflammation:

  • Anise (spice fennel) – Its chief compound, anethole, is anti-inflammatory and acts as an antiviral (against a certain herpes virus) and oral antibacterial agent.7
  • Black pepper – Its active constituent, piperine, fights inflammation by altering inflammatory pathways.5,6
  • Black seed or black cumin – Its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties come from the compound thymoquinone (TQ). Experimental evidence suggests extracts containing TQ can potentially regulate immune reactions implicated in various infectious and non-infectious conditions.
  • Cinnamon – This global spice has multiple inflammation-reducing compounds (benzyl cinnamide, cinnamic acid, and cinnamaldehyde) and modifies inflammatory pathways.5,6
  • Coriander – It’s the anti-inflammatory gallic acid in coriander which regulates signaling pathways related to inflammation.5,6
  • Cumin – Its compounds cuminaldehyde and oleorestin have anti-inflammatory action.5 Cumin is helpful for immunity.
  • Garlic – This aromatic bulb’s organosulphur compounds (namely allicin) have immunomodulatory bioactivity.6 While it may not kill vampires, garlic is a potent antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial7
  • Ginger – Its major compounds (6-gingerol, 10-gingerol and shogaol) exert important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.5,6,7,8 Some research has proved that gingerdiones and shogaols can act similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).9 Ginger is an effective agent against the inflammation response from immune cells.7
  • Turmeric – This yellow spice’s curcuminoids (namely curcumin) have anti-inflammatory properties.3,6,7,8 Curcumin is able to scavenge free radicals and other inflammatory mediators, thus regulating oxidative stress.3 Since curcumin is so potent, supplemental forms of it have been researched in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases arthritis, obesity, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Did you know? Curcumin gives turmeric its characteristic yellow color, a signature of many curries. Since it has poor bioavailability, consume turmeric with meals containing healthy plant fats to increase its absorption.

Make your own spicy blend without salt! The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends the combination below for Mexican-style dishes. Just store in a tightly covered jar.

  • ¼ Cup chili powder
  • 1 Tablespoon each of ground cumin and onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon each of oregano, garlic powder, and ground red pepper; and ½ teaspoon cinnamon.

Source: Eat Right: Eating Right With Less Salt (tip sheet). Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2017.

Many other spices are beneficial in alleviating inflammation including allspice, caraway extract, chili pepper, cloves, cocoa and fenugreek.5 *Herbs with anti-inflammatory activity include bay leaf, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme.5

Beneficial Diet

A diet rich in spices that decreases inflammation and oxidative stress can promote healthy immune balance. Around the world, the basic concepts for following an anti-inflammatory diet include adding a variety of spices, especially ginger and curry.So what about the rest of your diet? An overall anti-inflammatory, antioxidant eating plan augments immune function, fights inflammation and hampers disease development.2,10  An anti-inflammatory Mediterranean eating plan includes spices daily.

A Mediterranean diet pattern, in particular, has an anti-inflammatory effect.11 This type of diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, red wine, seafood as well as monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fats.8 These components provide a lot of fiber, magnesium, carotenoids, and flavonoids which help reduce inflammation.8

No matter your taste preference or diet plan, there are immune boosting and anti-inflammatory spices you can include regularly. Use them often and in greater amounts to get the most benefit!


  1. Bioactive phytochemicals in Indian foods and their potential in health promotion and disease prevention. Rao BN. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2003; 12(1): 9-22.
  2. An Integrative Approach to Neuroinflammation in Psychiatric disorders and Neuropathic Pain. Lurie DI. Journal of Experimental Neuroscience 2018 Aug 13; 12: 1-11. doi: 10.1177/1179069518793639. eCollection 2018.
  3. Curcumin and Inflammatory Diseases: Learn About Its Potential Role in Prevention and Treatment. Sharon Collison. Today’s Dietitian 2014 Sept; 16(9): 56
  4. What is the Anti-Inflammatory Diet? Wendy Marcason. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2010 Nov.; 110 (11): 1780.
  5. Spice up your life: adipose tissue and inflammation. Agarwal AK. Journal of Lipids 2014; article ID 182575: 8 pages. doi: 10.1155/2014/182575. Epub 2014 Feb 20.
  6. Neuroprotection by spice-derived nutraceuticals: you are what you eat! Kannappan R, et al. Molecular Neurobiology 2011; 44: 142–159.
  7. Anti-carcinogenic and Anti-bacterial Properties of Selected Spices: Implications in Oral Health. Ganjre A, et al. Clinical Nutrition Research 2015 Oct; 4(4): 209-215. doi: 10.7762/cnr.2015.4.4.209. Epub 2015 Oct 31.
  8. Diet and Inflammation. L Galland. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2010 Dec; 25(6): 634-640.
  9. Some phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological properties of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe): a review of recent research. Ali BH, et al. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2008; 46: 40920.
  10. Diet and Inflammation: A Link to Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases. K Esposito, D Giugliano. European Heart Journal 2006; 27, 15-20.
  11. Microbiome-mediated effects of the Mediterranean diet on inflammation. Bailey MA, Holscher HD. Advances in Nutrition 2018; 9: 193–206.

Recommended Reading

Beet Root and Muscle Gain

Beet Root and Muscle Gain

LA Fitness, registered dietitian, Debbie James, discusses recent evidence that suggests beetroot may help with muscle gain.

Recommended Nutrition Apps from an Expert

Recommended Nutrition Apps from an Expert

Nutrition tracking is a great way to monitor your progress and help keep you focused on reaching your nutritional goals. LA Fitness, RDN, Debbie J., offers some advice on her favs!

Member Spotlight | From Skinny to Strong

Member Spotlight | From Skinny to Strong

“The best way to achieve fitness goals is to find a mentor who has a passion [for] fitness who can keep you motivated. If you are just starting out, it is great to find someone who started where you are and has made improvements. If you have been working out for a while and want to get to that next level of peak shape, find someone who has that similar shape.”

Caleb B.

LA Fitness Member

Before: January 2014

Current Fitness Goals 

My current fitness goals are focused on reaching my ideal weight of 155 lbs. My areas of focus are mastering squats and increasing the size of my arms and legs.

Training Influence 

The facilities at LA Fitness have made my workouts more efficient. I am able to access the equipment that I want to use even when I work out at peak times. I also have also learned from other LA Fitness members and gained lifting experiences that have helped me make progress toward my goals.

Caleb’s Story 

In my senior year of college, while I was still living in Boston, I was looking for a better gym that had all the equipment and weights that I needed. I had tried so many gyms before I became an LA Fitness member. After a week trial at LA Fitness, I decided to sign up. LA Fitness has taken my fitness lifestyle to the next level. Every day after school or work, I would drive to LA Fitness to work out. Sometimes it would take over an hour if I hit bad traffic. LA Fitness provides all the equipment and weights that I was looking for. It helps me lift heavier and achieve my fitness goals. When I relocated to Springfield, I was happy to find another LA Fitness. It had the same high-level facilities. Currently, I usually work out five to six days a week. I like working on a single muscle each day. I have put on a few pounds of muscle since I started to work out at LA Fitness. I am so happy with the changes over these past few months and I am still going. For my diet routine, I consume a lot of protein and carbs every day and drink more than a gallon of water. I usually have a protein shake after I work out. Having enough protein helps my muscle recover faster and maximize my muscle growth. 


After: February 2018

After: February 2018

After: February 2018

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LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness will be open for parts of the Holiday Season! Modified clubs hours are below!Holiday Hours (U.S.) Friday, December 24th: 8AM - Noon Saturday, December 25th: Closed Friday, December 31st: 8AM - 6PM Saturday, January 1st: 8AM - 6PM   Holiday Hours...

What to Expect When Joining LA Fitness

What to Expect When Joining LA Fitness

It’s the start of the New Year, which means endless possibilities for what you can accomplish in the twelve months that lay ahead! A fresh start, a clean slate, a brand-new year! It’s exciting just thinking about the positive changes that can be made. For many, taking control of their fitness and nutrition tops the list of changes wanted. While not everything in life can be controlled, your fitness and diet can be. Positive and healthy changes made to these parts of your life can transfer to other aspects of your life too! This probably leaves you asking yourself, “Where do I begin? How do I start?”

A great place to help kickstart a new positive change is to surround yourself with other like-minded individuals. That old saying about you becoming who you surround yourself with is pretty accurate. Chances are that if you’re around a group who prioritizes the importance of fitness and focuses on healthier eating habits, they’ll help inspire you to do the same – and keep you motivated!

That is why joining a local gym may be the key factor needed to accomplish your goals. However, for some people, this can be scary. There’s the pressure of thinking you already need to be in somewhat decent shape before joining or the fear of not knowing what to expect that can be holding you back. Change can be scary but change causes growth and growth in a positive direction is worth a bit of uncomfortableness in the beginning. Trust us, your future healthier self will thank you.

To put some of the unknown scariness of joining a gym aside, we’ve compiled a list of what you can expect when joining an LA Fitness.

  1. Greet the front desk staff and let them know you’re interested in joining.
  2. A sales representative will greet you and give you a tour of the club.
  3. They’ll take you to the service area and ask what your goals are.
  4. After careful review, they’ll educate you on plan and pricing options.
  5. They’ll introduce you to a PT representative who will set you up with a free fitness assessment.

You can always try us out first! Click here for a guest pass.

Once you’re all signed up you’ll have access to –

Group Fitness Classes

You’ll have access to many different options for group fitness classes including member favorites like cycle, yoga, and Zumba®. Group Fitness is a great place to begin if you don’t know where to start with gym equipment. It’s a fun way to keep your cardio options interesting so you never get bored during a workout again. Plus, some Group Fitness classes incorporate weight training or body weight exercises, meaning you can get your strength training in this way too!


Our pools are kept at a comfortable temperature in the low 80’s. Swimming doesn’t just have to be saved for the summer months. Try out a Group Fitness Aqua Fit class for some low impact cardio or enjoy the swimming lanes on your own when classes aren’t in session. The pool can even be a great way to unwind after a tough workout. Certain clubs even have a spa available to all members to relax in and help loosen up the muscles after a long day. Make sure to check to see if your club has these options available.

Weight Room

Each LA Fitness weight room typically boosts over 20,000 pounds of free weights for members to use. Dumbbells start at 5lbs. and go all the way up to 100 lbs. There are also plate weight options, barbell options, and resistance training equipment. The variety ensures that there’s a little something for everyone, depending on your fitness level and weight training preferences.

Locker Room

The locker room is the one place you’ll want to visit every time you work out in our gyms. With full-sized lockers, showers, a dry sauna, and restrooms, you’ll definitely benefit from our spa-like amenities. Just make sure to bring your own lock and please remember that lockers are for day use only. Some clubs even provide a towel service in case you left yours at home.*


Our cycle equipment is available for Group Fitness classes and solo workouts. In a Group Fitness setting, riders can expect to pedal a distance of 15 to 20 miles in a one-hour class! Cycle can be a great way to get in some HIIT training, otherwise known as high-intensity interval training. For those new to cycle, don’t let the distance or high intensity scare you away. Each class starts off at a beginner’s pace which you’re able to stay at until you get comfortable to pick your speed up. As long as you keep the pedals moving, you’re doing your body some good.


Ellipticals, treadmills, cross-trainers, stationary bikes, and stair climbers are what you can expect to find in the cardio section of an LA Fitness. If you’re not one for Group Fitness classes, these might be a better option for you to still get your cardio in. With plenty to choose from, you have the option to train different parts of your body, to choose a low impact or high impact option, or to simply switch up the routine if things get stale with your workouts. (It’s good to switch up your workout roughly every two weeks anyway to keep the body surprised!)

Pro Results® Personal Training*

This is the best option if you’re looking for someone to help hold you accountable for your workouts and make sure you’re doing the correct workout each time you’re in the club. It’s important to mention that when you join Pro Result® Personal Training, you’re not just being told what to do and how many times a week to do it, but you’re learning as well. You’ll be paired with a trainer that knows your specific goals and how to help you accomplish them. During your training, you’ll learn what equipment works best for you, helpful tips on cardio versus strength training, and how you can better improve your diet.

Selectorized Equipment

We recommend our selectorized equipment stations for those who are new to working out. These machines often times will help you focus on form to help you better understand how to do the exercise without causing injury to yourself. These machines can be adjusted to your strength level and height, and there are machines designed to focus on specific target areas. If you’re unsure how to use a piece of equipment, there’s usually a sticker diagram attached the machine showing you how to use it properly. If you’re still unsure, visit our personal training department and have them help you.

Basketball/Club Leagues*

Our basketball courts are full length and built for free play. They can also double as a volleyball court. Basketballs and volleyballs are provided for players to use during their time in the gym. For those who are looking for something more than freestyle pickup games, some LA Fitness clubs offer leagues you can join for an additional cost. Ask the front desk of your club for more details.

Racquetball/Club Leagues*

Racquetball courts can be reserved on the LA Fitness mobile app for up to two hours of play time. If you choose not to reserve online, you can also come in to the club and grab a free court. They are first-come, first-serve. For those who are looking for something more competitive, some LA Fitness clubs offer leagues you can join for an additional cost. Ask the front desk of your club for more details.

Stretching Area

The stretching area helps you recover after a hard workout. By taking 10 to 15 minutes to stretch after your workout, you can help lengthen your muscle tissues which will help you recover faster and get stronger. Nobody wants a pulled muscle – that’s why there’s an area dedicated to post-workout rest and stretch.

Kids Klub*

Perfect for the busy moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and anyone else who may be responsible for watching the little ones while also trying to get their workout in. Our staff make sure your child is watched after, and safe and secure, while you enjoy your workout in peace. Check your home club for Kids Klub hours.

Front Desk/Mobile Check-in

The mobile check-in is a fast and convenient way to get your workout started faster. Have your phone out, the app ready, and simply scan your way in when entering the club to save you time at check-in.

Some additional member and non-member benefits include access to:

  • The Living Healthy Blog
    • Includes: Member Spotlight success stories, health, nutrition, and wellness articles to help educate you, and Living Healthy recipes from restaurants across the nation.
  • The Living Healthy Podcast
    • The official podcast of LA Fitness hosted by two Living Healthy members dedicated to learning more about the world of health, fitness, and nutrition. Every other week a guest is brought on to the show to give listeners a better understanding of what it takes to be healthier overall. (Listen here!)
  • Ask Our Dietitian
    • LA Fitness registered dietitian, Debbie James, is here to help answer your nutrition-related questions. That’s right – you can ask us your nutrition questions free of charge! Please note: We do not currently provide personalized nutrition plans, but you can send us in your nutrition-related question here for a chance for it to be a featured question on our blog.
  • Ask A Trainer YouTube Series
    • Filled with member questions related to fitness, this is the go-to place if you have a fitness question that you can’t seem to find the answer to. (Watch here.)

What are your health and fitness goals? Let us know in the comments below!

Click to explore our clubs, here.

*Amenities and classes vary by location. Some amenities and classes may be available for an additional fee. Pro Results® Personal Training requires an additional fee and entry into a separate agreement.

Recommended Reading

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness will be open for parts of the Holiday Season! Modified clubs hours are below!Holiday Hours (U.S.) Friday, December 24th: 8AM - Noon Saturday, December 25th: Closed Friday, December 31st: 8AM - 6PM Saturday, January 1st: 8AM - 6PM   Holiday Hours...

Experience the Dory Catch from Lido Bottle Works

Experience the Dory Catch from Lido Bottle Works

“The Dory Catch at Lido Bottle Works highlights and encompasses the true meaning of local in every ingredient. The fish changes every day. Here’s one you can make at home. Try and support a local farmer’s market when you shop for this.”

Executive Chef Amy Lebrun , Lido Bottle Works

Photography provided by: Lido Bottle Works

Lido Bottle Works is located at 3408 Via Oporto #103, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Open Monday through Thursday 11am to 11pm, Friday and Saturday from 11am to 12am, and Sunday from 11am to 10pm. For the menu and additional details, please visit lidobottleworks.com.


Photography by: Niyaz Pirani, Knife & Spork Public Relations

Recipe provided by Executive Chef Amy Lebrun of Lido Bottle Works


For the Salmon

  • 2 each 6 oz. Salmon Fillet
  • 1/8 tsp. Smoked Paprika
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 tbs. Olive Oil
  • 1 tbs. Butter

For the Kabocha Squash Puree

  • 1 cup Squash Puree (peeled and small dice)
  • 2 oz. White Onion (small dice)
  • 2 each Garlic Cloves (small dice)
  • 1/4 cup White Wine
  • 2 tbs. Olive Oil
  • 2 oz. Seasonal Apples (peeled and diced)
  • 2 oz. Heavy Cream
  • 4 oz. Vegetable Stock
  • 1 tsp. Salt

For the Fingerling Potatoes

  • 1 cup Fingerling Potatoes (cut into 1/4 inch coins)
  • 2 tbs. Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 oz. Chopped Parsley

For the Winter Green Salad

  • 1 oz. Apple (thinly sliced)
  • 1 oz. Fennel (thinly sliced)
  • 2 each Radishes (thinly sliced)
  • Handful of Garden Green (of your choice)
    • *Chef’s Note: I prefer Dandelion, Mustard, Arugula, Frisse, Kale, Blommsdale Spinach and Chard.
  • 2 oz. Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
  • 1 oz. Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Step 1:

For the Salmon

  • Season filet with olive oil, smoked paprika, salt, and pepper.
  • Put salmon in a buttered saute pan and in the oven at 350 degrees.
  • Cook to the desired temperature.

Step 2:

For the Kabocha Squash Puree

  • In a small pot on low heat add oil, garlic, onion, apples and white wine. Sweat until cooked through and alcohol is cooked out.
  • Add squash, cream, vegetable stock, salt, and pepper and cook until squash is cooked through.
  • Transfer to a mixer/blender/food processor to puree. If the puree is too thick, add more vegetable stock to it to thin out and make super smooth.

Step 3: 

For the Fingerling Potatoes 

  • Toss fingerling potatoes in oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Put on a sheet pan and roast in the oven at 350 degrees until cooked through.
  • You can cook the potatoes at the same time as the salmon, but note that the potatoes will take longer to cook.

Step 4:

For the Winter Green Salad

  • In a bowl toss all ingredients together and coat with lemon juice and olive oil.

Featured Recipes

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness will be open for parts of the Holiday Season! Modified clubs hours are below!Holiday Hours (U.S.) Friday, December 24th: 8AM - Noon Saturday, December 25th: Closed Friday, December 31st: 8AM - 6PM Saturday, January 1st: 8AM - 6PM   Holiday Hours...

Lose 50 lbs. the Safe Way

Lose 50 lbs. the Safe Way


What type of foods should I eat, and exercises should I do? I want to lose 50 lbs. safely. I’m 5’7″ and weigh 203 lbs. and I want to reduce my BMI. How can I stay motivated to workout consistently and hard?

– Kristy M.


Since your height and weight don’t tell me anything about who you are, it’s difficult to say what foods you should eat. There are several approaches to weight loss. One is to start with what you already eat and reduce portions, say by 25%. Another is to calorie count and track your intake. You could also go vegetarian. But realistically, the plan you choose should match up with how you live and what you believe about food. I mean, telling you to cook steel cut oats if you dash out the door in 10 minutes each morning is a set-up for failure! I can say that nearly everyone could stand to eat more wholesome, unprocessed ‘clean’ plant-based foods and avoid fried food, candy, junk food, and soda.

I’d encourage you to work through our 90 Day Nutrition Plan to a Leaner You, laid out over three parts. #MoveMoreBurnMore

Motivation comes from within, but a repeating few mantras or sayings can help keep you focused:

  • Don’t shoot for perfection, just better or more than current.
  • “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”
  • Each bout of exercise brings you closer to your goal – sooner.

As far as working out hard, know that it takes a change to create a change – push yourself out of your comfort zone so your body is forced to adapt.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Ask our Dietitian

Have a nutrition question? Our registered dietitian is ready to help!

Email nutrition@lafitness.com or submit your question below and it may be featured in an upcoming article!

14 + 10 =

Recommended Reading - Q+A

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness Holiday Hours 2021

LA Fitness will be open for parts of the Holiday Season! Modified clubs hours are below!Holiday Hours (U.S.) Friday, December 24th: 8AM - Noon Saturday, December 25th: Closed Friday, December 31st: 8AM - 6PM Saturday, January 1st: 8AM - 6PM   Holiday Hours...



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