“The best way to achieve fitness goals is to find a mentor who has a passion [for] fitness who can keep you motivated. If you are just starting out, it is great to find someone who started where you are and has made improvements. If you have been working out for a while and want to get to that next level of peak shape, find someone who has that similar shape.”

Caleb B.

LA Fitness Member

Before: January 2014

Current Fitness Goals 

My current fitness goals are focused on reaching my ideal weight of 155 lbs. My areas of focus are mastering squats and increasing the size of my arms and legs.

Training Influence 

The facilities at LA Fitness have made my workouts more efficient. I am able to access the equipment that I want to use even when I work out at peak times. I also have also learned from other LA Fitness members and gained lifting experiences that have helped me make progress toward my goals.

Caleb’s Story 

In my senior year of college, while I was still living in Boston, I was looking for a better gym that had all the equipment and weights that I needed. I had tried so many gyms before I became an LA Fitness member. After a week trial at LA Fitness, I decided to sign up. LA Fitness has taken my fitness lifestyle to the next level. Every day after school or work, I would drive to LA Fitness to work out. Sometimes it would take over an hour if I hit bad traffic. LA Fitness provides all the equipment and weights that I was looking for. It helps me lift heavier and achieve my fitness goals. When I relocated to Springfield, I was happy to find another LA Fitness. It had the same high-level facilities. Currently, I usually work out five to six days a week. I like working on a single muscle each day. I have put on a few pounds of muscle since I started to work out at LA Fitness. I am so happy with the changes over these past few months and I am still going. For my diet routine, I consume a lot of protein and carbs every day and drink more than a gallon of water. I usually have a protein shake after I work out. Having enough protein helps my muscle recover faster and maximize my muscle growth. 


After: February 2018

After: February 2018

After: February 2018

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