Could Your Gym Membership Equal a Tax Break?

Could Your Gym Membership Equal a Tax Break?

On July 25, 2018, the 2018 PHIT Act was passed by the U.S.  House of Representatives. Now PHIT heads to the Senate.

If written into law, this bill would allow for some fitness expenses to be deemed a write-off, meaning your gym membership could be one step closer to qualifying as a tax break.

Aside from a gym membership additional activities and expenses that would be covered if the bill becomes law include safety equipment used in an exercise program performed in either a formal setting or self-directed.

Additional eligible fitness expenses would include:

  • Exercise Classes
  • Personal Trainers
  • Dumbbells & Free Weights
  • Medicine Balls
  • Race & Fitness Event Registration Fees
  • Resistance Bands
  • Treadmills, Elliptical & other equipment
  • Martial Arts Classes
  • Yoga accessories
  • Training Aids
  • Fitness Trackers

According to an article released by CNBC,

The tax break would be limited to $500 for individuals and $1,000 for heads of households and couples who file joint tax returns.

To receive your tax break, you would need to count your medical expenses against your income and itemize your deductions. The eligible health care costs would need to exceed a certain amount of your AGI (adjusted gross income) in order to be a deductible. “For 2018, that threshold is 7.5 percent. In 2019, it goes to 10 percent,” as stated by CNBC.

Gym memberships, weight loss programs, and fitness classes are currently only deductible for taxpayers who have a qualifying medical condition that meets certain criteria.  If this new bill becomes law, it could help the many others who are looking to make an investment in their health.

For those unfamiliar, in 2017 a nearly identical bill was proposed known as PHIT America which promoted individuals to get active and encouraged healthy physical activity.

You can find the full PDF version of the bill here.


  1. O’Brien, Sarah. “That Gym Membership Is a Step Closer to Being a Tax Break.” CNBC, CNBC, 12 July 2018,
  2. Erb, Kelly Phillips. “Congress Considers Bill To Make Gym Memberships, Fitness Classes Tax Deductible.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 19 July 2018,
  3. Smith, Jason. “Text – H.R.6312 – 115th Congress (2017-2018): PHIT Act.”, 19 July 2018,

Recommended Reading

Weight Loss Supplements

Weight Loss Supplements


Is there a supplement recommended for weight loss?

– Christian H.


Speaking only of pills, tablets or individual ingredients (not enhanced protein powders) there are a few items that show promise for weight reduction. Do not take these as my recommendation or endorsement — I am just trying to answer your question. Because there is a lack of strong evidence of efficacy, none can be recommended specifically for weight loss. Most physicians agree that no weight-loss supplements meet criteria for recommended use.

GREATEST research / LARGE number of participants

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – minimal effect on body weight and body fat
  • Green tea extract (Camellia sinensis) – possible modest effect on body weight
  • White kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) – possible modest effect on body weight and body fat

FEW studies / SMALL sample sizes

  • African mango (Irvingia Gabonesis) – possible modest reduction in body weight and waist circumference
  • Caffeine (as added or from Guarana, Kola nut, Yerba Mate…) – possible modest effect on body weight over time
  • Green coffee bean extract – possible modest effect on body weight over time


  1. “Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss” fact sheet by NIH Office of Dietary Supplements, updated Nov. 1, 2017
  2. Common Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss. RB Saper, DM Eisenberg and RS Phillips. American Family Physician. 2004 Nov 1: 70(9): 1731-1738

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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Recommended Reading - Q+A

Quick & Easy Workouts for a Busy Morning

Quick & Easy Workouts for a Busy Morning

The alarm clock rings. You open your eyes. Hop out of bed. Get dressed. Feed the kids and/or dog or cat. Check your schedule. Check the clock. Feed the kids and/or dog or cat. Wait… you’ve already done that. Run out the door. Forget your keys. Run back into the house, grab your keys. Get in the car. Realize you’ve forgotten your coffee. Exhale – already exhausted.

Hello, work day. Great to see you again.

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, how on Earth is it possible to make time for working out? Especially in the mornings!

Between taking care of the family, putting in the hours at work, paying the bills, and still managing to make time for others, you are the Hero-of-the-Everyday.

However, every great hero needs to make sure they are putting in the time and effort to stay strong enough to keep being their super-selves.

And that’s why self-care is so important.

Exercise helps us function, move better, feel better, and make healthier choices throughout the day.

Here are a few quick and easy workouts to get the blood pumping and those endorphins flowing so you can conquer your day.


Drop and give me a plank till exhaustion! Assume proper plank position and hold it for as long as you can. Don’t forget to keep your core tight and engaged, and your body in correct alignment. Don’t let your bottom half start rising upwards towards the ceiling.


Grab a hold of the edge of your bed (the bed frame) and make sure it’s strong enough to support your weight. Take a few steps away from your bed, with your arms still firmly grasped to the framing. Once you’re at a proper angle to begin pushups, go ahead and get started! Complete as many as you can.


Get some cardio in quick with early morning burpees. This full body exercise uses your own bodyweight to work your arms, legs, and core. It’s a fast way to increase heartbeat and quickly burn off some calories while simultaneously building muscle strength.

Bonus: If you’re able to wake up extra early to make it into an LA Fitness, we offer early morning Group Fitness classes that may help jumpstart your day and give you the extra motivation you need to push yourself harder than you would on your own. Just don’t forget to grab a pre- or post-workout snack!

This article is sponsored by belVita – breakfast for your mornings. For a list of hours to visit your favorite LA Fitness gym, click here.

Recommended Reading

Avocado and Honey as Meal Replacements

Avocado and Honey as Meal Replacements


Is it safe to use avocado as a daily meal and sufficient nutrition per day? How about honey? Is it full of carbohydrates and should be avoided?

– Ahmed


An avocado as a meal might tide you over once, but it’s not sufficiently nutritious to replace the other components of a meal, namely protein, and minerals. An avocado added to meals, totaling one per day in place of other fats within an energy-balanced diet is fine. Avocados from Florida are generally lower fat (best for slicing) and those from California – generally Hass variety – tend to be fattier (best for mashing). Avocados contain the type of unsaturated fats known to lower blood LDL cholesterol. A serving of 1/3 medium fruit has 8 grams of fat and is a good source of fiber, copper, and vitamins K, folate, and pantothenic acid. Avocados are also notable for potassium, containing as much in one fruit as a potato, a cup of cooked Swiss chard, or 2 bananas.  Avocados enhance satiety thereby contributing to a lower total caloric intake overall.

Structurally, honey is made mostly of glucose and fructose (the 2 base units in sucrose, aka “table sugar”) and 17% water. At only 21 calories per teaspoon, there’s no nutritional reason to avoid honey outside of an allergy in those over 1 year of age. Honey can be used as a sweetener to replace table sugar without its negative health impacts, provided that portions are kept modest.  In fact, there are many health benefits to honey in the diet including soothing cough and sleeping difficulties and improving the immune system. Use raw, 100% pure unfiltered honey to get the most medicinal properties (antibacterial, antioxidant).


  1. Everything You Need to Know about Avocado. A Bjarnadotir. 8/1/2017 Avocado: Nutrition and benefits – Medical News Today
  2. Avocado Nutrition Facts & Label.
  3. Everything You Need to Know about Honey. J Nordqvist. 2.18.2018 Honey: Benefits, uses, and properties – Medical News Today
  4. Medicinal Uses of Honey: What the Research Shows. J Edgar. WebMD Medicinal Uses of Honey: What the Research Shows

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Ask our Dietitian

Have a nutrition question? Our registered dietitian is ready to help!

Email or submit your question below and it may be featured in an upcoming article!

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Recommended Reading - Q+A

AAT: Ep. 26 – How Long Would You Recommend Spending in The Sauna?

AAT: Ep. 26 – How Long Would You Recommend Spending in The Sauna?

Ask A Trainer: Featured Question of the Week

LA Fitness Pro Results® Master Trainer, Stone T., and get his advice on how long is an optimal amount of time to spend in the sauna.

Do you have a fitness question? Ask one of our certified Pro Results® trainers here! Your question may be featured in an upcoming Ask Our Trainer video.**

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**Selected submissions will be featured on the LA Fitness blog and possibly other LA Fitness digital media entities & websites. By making a submission, you hereby grant LA Fitness a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable license to use and make copies of the contents of such submission for any purpose and in any medium whatsoever, and you hereby waive and relinquish any copyright or other intellectual property right you may have in the contents of such submission and your right to pursue any claim for LA Fitness’s violation of those intellectual property rights.

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