Relationship to Food – Living Healthy Podcast Ep. 46

Relationship to Food – Living Healthy Podcast Ep. 46

Welcome to today’s episode about “Your Relationship to Food.” It’s the 46th episode of the Living Healthy Podcast.  

On today’s episode, we are discussing how you can honestly assess your relationship to food and how you can create a positive relationship to food moving forward! Stop reading and start listening!

How Are We Doing? 

This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

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Trimming Fat and Keeping Muscle – Podcast Ep. 45

Trimming Fat and Keeping Muscle – Podcast Ep. 45

We’re “Trimming the Fat and Keeping the Muscle” on today’s episode of the Living Healthy Podcast!

On this episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, just in time for Thanksgiving, we learn about trimming or “cutting” the fat after you finish the bulking phase. This is the second part of our “Bulking Up and Trimming Down” series where we talk with Master Trainer Jordan Jones about how to shed the fat but keep the muscle. Have a listen and then subscribe to the show so you can get our new episodes delivered right to your phone when they release.

How Are We Doing? 

This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

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Myth Busters: Gym Edition – Ep. 44

Myth Busters: Gym Edition – Ep. 44

Welcome to our Gym Myths episode of the Living Healthy Podcast. 

Today’s episode is all about Busting Gym Myths! Does spot training really work? Is Cardio the best way to burn fat? We talk to Master Trainer Jordan Jones about all sorts of Fitness Myths to find out the answers. Prepare to have your bubble popped on a few. Sorry/You’re Welcome!

Subscribe to get new episodes delivered straight to your phone when they come out!

This was recorded pre-pandemic.

How Are We Doing? 


This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

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Cancer Screening and Prevention – Podcast Ep. 42

Cancer Screening and Prevention – Podcast Ep. 42

WE’RE BACK!!! Welcome to the 42nd episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, presented by LA Fitness. 

On today’s episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, we’re talking about Cancer Screening and Prevention with Dr. Rick Van Etten! Whether you’ve survived cancer, or you’ve known a loved one or friend who hasn’t, most likely cancer has impacted your life in some way. The good news is that we are starting to see and hear more and more stories of survival and with technology and medicine continuing to advance, we gain new allies in the fight every dayBut it is a battle that is ongoing, and one that needs funding and education to continue. So today on the show, we’re going to be talking about what you can do to prevent cancer and why it’s so important to get screened regularly. We’re also going to touch on a very special virtual fundraising event that is coming up on October 3rd – the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge.  

Visit to get involved!

How Are We Doing? 


This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Timecard Markers – Cancer Screening and Prevention – Podcast Ep. 42 

COLD OPEN: Back After Pandemic


Show Starts


Introduction of Dr. Rick Van Etten 


Cancers Impact Every Year


What types of cancers are the most prevalent today? 


Do genetics contribute to getting cancer?


Stages of Cancer: What does stage 1-4 mean? 


Chemotherapy and Radiation Explained


Why is it important to get screened for cancer regularly?


Why is 50 the age we begin screening for cancer?


What role does diet and exercise play in cancer prevention?


When should people start getting screened?


Comprehensive Cancer Center


UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Event


2020 Virtual Cancer Challenge Event


Actionable Advice 




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Why am I Gaining Weight Despite Diet and Exercise? │ QA

Why am I Gaining Weight Despite Diet and Exercise? │ QA


I’m 69 years old, I work out 3 times a week for 2 hours, 2 of those days are dedicated to upper/lower weight workout and the 3rd day strictly cardio on the treadmills and bike. I had a personal trainer for 6 months and I learned a lot of methods to workout. I’m careful with my intake and do not overindulge with high calorie or fatty foods, I’m frustrated when I get on the scale at the gym and at home, I gain pounds vs. seeing the numbers go down. It could be my metabolism (as one ages it drops drastically), just looking for answers, tips, suggestions. Thanks! 

– Lydia C.


I understand your frustration, Lydia. Total pounds are easy to measure but won’t reflect body composition improvements. Ideally, you’d have tracked body fat percentage over the last 6 months. A tilt toward lower fat and more lean body mass indicates your metabolism should keep up. As body fat is reduced and muscle is gained the scale may not change (or go up). There is water stored with every pound of muscle, due to increased glycogen capacity. 

Another approach is to monitor waist, hip, and thigh circumferences by breaking out the tape measure. Reflect on how your clothes fit. If you’ve got any more wiggle room than 6 months ago – success! Also note progress in fitness level… strength, endurance, and intensity level. All these observations are better indicators of improvement than total weight.  

It makes a difference whether your weight workouts are focused on heavy weight with lower repetitions or more repetitions with less weight. The latter helps develop strength and muscles’ functional output while the former is intended to build up muscle (thus may increase weight). Once you tolerate a level of cardio (time, intensity, duration, or frequency) you’ve adapted to it and need further increases to promote greater fat burning. In the same regard, if your diet is good, but no better than before, then physique change is less likely.  

In summary: focus on body composition, not scale weight, and look to where you can refine your diet and exercise regimen. Keep up that dedication! 

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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