Top 5 Ways Yoga Can Benefit Your Mind and Body

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Happy National YOGA Month! Celebrate your love of YOGA this September—or possibly future love if you decide to give it a try.

Yoga is renowned for its ability to connect the mind and body to benefit both your mental and physical health in a variety of ways. In fact, there are so many benefits to YOGA it can be tough to pinpoint just 5, but here it goes!


How to do a Machine Biceps Curl

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Machine Biceps Curl

Select an appropriate weight and adjust the seat for your height. Now grab the handles, and then pull the weight toward your body without moving your upper arms or shoulders. Pause and then reverse the motion, stopping again just before you completely straighten your arms. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

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How to do Cable Triceps Kickbacks

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Cable Triceps Kickbacks

Select an appropriate weight and adjust the stabilizing arms to their lowest position. The stabilizing arms should be just wider than the width of your shoulders. Maintain a stable position with both your waist and knees bent. Now push the cables down and away from your body until your arms are straight, pause, and then reverse the motion. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

If you want to effortlessly follow our blog, then CLICK HERE and we will show you how to have each new workout sent right to you!



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