Member Spotlight | Face Your Fears

Member Spotlight | Face Your Fears

“I decided that I was going to treat the gym as my job.”

Lynnette R.

LAF Member

Lynnette R., of Round Rock, TX, shared that she was the last person you would ever expect in a gym. She tried having gym memberships in the past, would pay for a year in advance, go once, and then never show up again. Because of this, she even “grounded” herself from getting another gym membership, because she couldn’t seem to make herself go.

Flash back to two years ago, when Lynnette completely stopped exercising all together, stopping even her typical walks outside. Due to her sedentary lifestyle, Lynette began gaining weight. She became heavier than she had ever been and became incredibly discouraged. However, around this same time, an LA Fitness opened up close to her home and Lynnette noticed it had a nice pool. She figured she could try swimming as a new way to exercise. She signed up for a free guest pass, and set up an appointment for a complimentary Pro Results® Personal Training assessment.

She knew she was in a place in her life where she had to change her lifestyle. She just couldn’t seem to stop gaining weight. It was at that moment Lynnette decided that the commitment to work with a trainer would be the accountability she needed to make sure she showed up and made good use of the gym. She signed up and that is when she met her personal trainer, Riley S. What Riley didn’t know at the time was Lynnette’s severe fear of men that stemmed from experiences from her past. However, Lynnette hoped that by being in the gym and working with a male trainer, she could overcome some of that fear.

When Lynnette first started training in the open area of the gym, she would get nervous and experience trouble breathing – and as far as the free weight area, she thought of it as “incredibly intimidating.” She began to open up to Riley about the fear she was trying to overcome, and she was blown away at how he reacted to it, mainly because nothing changed. The workouts stayed the same and they would still use the free weight area. Her “homework” required her to go into the free weight area alone and train on her solo gym days. Slowly, Lynnette R. was becoming more comfortable in the gym.

“Pick a goal that is personal to you and throw yourself into achieving it.”

Lynnette R.

LAF Member

“I wasn’t fighting to just lose fat; I was fighting to gain a future.”

Lynnette R.

LAF Member

Her trainer, Riley, continued to be encouraging as Lynnette persisted onward, moving past each hurdle and facing her fears. During this transitional period of her life, she began dating again – something that would have been too hard for her to do only 4 months prior. Lynette also started to follow some new basic diet guidelines. Since changing her diet and exercise routine she has lost several inches, and is down 2 dress sizes and 17 lbs.! Lynnette shared with us that, “People notice all the changes. What they don’t know is the confidence I’ve received from Riley and that these workouts have allowed me to move past my fears. I now have a real chance at being able to spend the rest of my life with someone that I love.”

What Lynnette wants others to know:

“My plan in joining LA Fitness was to lose weight and lose some of my fear. I never expected that this would take me as far as it’s taken me. Riley isn’t just a paid trainer. He found a way to build a trust that allowed me to confide in him about this secret hope. Somehow, Riley helped me get past my fears, just by lifting weight and walking on a treadmill. I’m very excited about my future and the changes that are yet to come as I work very hard at the gym and keep my heart open.”

A Message from Riley 

“Since the first session with Lynnette, I had high expectations considering her work ethic and passion to become fit and healthy. She’s excelled in every challenge I’ve given her with a smile on her face. I’m very proud of the way Lynnette has taken on a “no excuses” attitude, claiming that the gym is akin to her second job. During every session with Lynnette there is a point where I always think she will need a spot or she will fail during a set but whenever she reaches that threshold she always amazes me by pushing through and getting another few reps in. I can tell how important this journey is for her and it only makes me work harder in order to witness more goals actualized.” – Riley S., LAF Pro Results® Trainer

Where is she now?

When Lynnette first started at LA Fitness she would attend the gym 3 times a week. She is now up to 5 days a week. She continues to train with Riley on two of those days. Once a week, a small group of Riley’s personal training clients meet for a one-hour full-body workout. Lynnette shared that, “It has been great for getting to know other people and pushing each other to work harder.”

Consult your physician before starting a new fitness regimen. Pro Results® Personal Training requires a separate agreement and is subject to an additional fee.

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Member Spotlight | Never Give Up

Member Spotlight | Never Give Up

“Always find time to take care of yourself no matter what, because you can’t take care of someone else if you’re running on empty and not healthy yourself.”

Kelly G.

LAF Member

Struggles are a part of life, and for Kelly G. of Hennepin County, Minnesota, she has learned to fight through them for herself and her sons. Having struggled with weight since puberty, Kelly decided to join LA Fitness in 2014, after years of wanting to become healthier. In middle school and high school, Kelly was teased for being a bit larger than her classmates. She stood at 5’4” and weighed in at 180 lbs. From there, her weight slowly increased through adulthood, especially after having her children. The most she remembered weighing was 215 lbs., and she knew then that something had to be done.

The problem was that Kelly would get on a fitness kick and begin to lose some weight, but then something would happen that would set her back, or she’d feel lazy, stop working out and then feel miserable. She noticed that she tended to binge eat whenever she was stressed. She recognized this as a problem, and began to change her ways. She got on a positive health kick in May 2014, which inspired her to join LA Fitness. She was working out, eating healthier, feeling good and even began losing some weight – until she received some of the worst news possible. Her oldest son had been diagnosed with an aggressive form of Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.

The cancer had already spread to his lymph nodes, sending Kelly into a tail spin of emotions, stress and depression. She stopped working out. She stopped taking care of herself. And she fell back into stress eating. Her son went through 42 weeks of chemotherapy and had 28 sessions of radiation. His last chemo appointment fell on Kelly’s birthday. It was on that day, in September of 2015, that Kelly decided if her son could fight through cancer like a champ, then she could fight to get healthy too.

During her son’s cancer treatments, Kelly had gained 30 lbs. She was miserable and in pain. Her feet hurt, her back ached all the time, and she weighed the most she ever had. Kelly shared the physical pains she was experiencing with her doctor, who told her very bluntly to lose 20 lbs. and then see if her feet were still hurting. She was a bit shocked at how up front he was, but with no sugar coating, it helped Kelly get on a mission. She wanted to get healthy not just for herself, but for her sons.

Kelly started taking advantage of her LA Fitness membership again and got really strict with her nutritional choices. Her determination to succeed superseded the obstacles she found herself facing in the past. Each day she strived to get healthier than the day before. In the past year and a half, Kelly has lost 80 lbs. by eating a low-carb diet and working out five to six days a week. At almost 40 years old, Kelly now weighs less than she did in middle school and high school, and she’s feeling much better. Kelly strives to do better each day and has since gained a new appreciation for life. Her advice to others is to “always find the time to take care of yourself no matter what, because you can’t take care of someone else if you’re running on empty and not healthy yourself.” Kelly hopes to lose another 5 to 10 pounds and add some additional muscle definition. Judging from how far she’s come, there’s no doubt she’ll reach her goals and then some!

This article is not meant to be construed as medical advice. Results will vary. Consult with your physician before starting a new fitness or nutritional routine.

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Member Spotlight | A Will to Live Longer

Member Spotlight | A Will to Live Longer

“I finally came to the conclusion that a trainer was less expensive than a funeral.”

Randy B.

LA Fitness member

Randy B. of San Marcos, CA joined LA Fitness 6 years ago as he was nearing the golden age of 50. His sudden proactive attitude spawned from a troubling family health history. His father died at the young age of 52 from heart failure and diabetes, and his grandfather passed away at age 50, also from heart-related issues. With Randy’s own age suddenly nearing that seemingly fateful number, he made the decision to change his lifestyle and make fitness a priority. At the encouragement of friends already training with Pro Results® personal trainer Brandon W., Randy followed suit and started training with Brandon W. at LA Fitness three times a week.

Due to his job as a retail manager, which involves a lot of time spent at the computer or in the car, Randy started noticing that he was experiencing shoulder issues, and shared what was happening with his trainer Brandon. Brandon immediately began working on methods to help strengthen Randy’s shoulders, chest and back to help improve these issues. Since switching up his training routine, Randy shared that “the work Brandon has done has also had a major impact on my posture which has eliminated any back pain.” Even though Randy will be undergoing shoulder surgery soon, he notices the exercises he’s been doing have helped improve his strength, which his doctor says will help with the recovery.

“I finally came to the conclusion that a trainer was less expensive than a funeral. While personal training may seem expensive, it has such a positive impact on your overall results and thus your overall health, that it really can change your quality of life,” shared Randy B. When Randy first started personal training, his original goals were to lose 25 pounds, work on general strengthening and to improve his overall cholesterol. Since starting the Pro Results® program and working with Brandon W., Randy has lost 55 lbs., lowered his blood pressure and cholesterol, and increased his overall strength and energy levels!

Today Randy’s goals are to maintain his weight, continue strength training, and improve both his flexibility and cardio. He credits his success to his trainer Brandon W., who inspires him by always being persistent on follow up, talking him through the functionality of what they are doing, and explaining how it will help Randy better perform in life.  Randy shared that his conversations with Brandon are focused on asking questions about what he does—what he does well and also where he struggles. Brandon then tailors Randy’s training to help him meet his specific goals.

Aside from the fitness building duo team of Randy and Brandon, Brandon introduces his clients to each other and encourages them to work together and help hold each other accountable. Randy expressed that “it builds a total gym training family [and] support group which keeps all of us going.” Not only that, but having others around you working towards similar goals can help spark, and rev up, that competitive spirit. Having a healthy and encouraging group of friends can help you push yourself to be better, even on the days where going to the gym may seem tiring. As for Randy, he plans to continue staying active and eating healthy so that he can live a long, happy and healthy life.

Are you ready to take control of your health? Learn more about Pro Results® today.

Results will vary. Consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program. Pro Results® personal training services are subject to additional fees and a separate agreement.

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Member Spotlight | Hoops and Heart

Member Spotlight | Hoops and Heart

Hoops and Heart

A shared love for fitness and basketball led to a mutual attraction between Lane and Susan C. Having met on the Clemson University basketball court back in college, their enjoyment of the sport influenced their decision to join LA Fitness, which offers Club Leagues basketball – a fun way for them to stay active together.

Where Their Journey Began 

Lane C.* joined LA Fitness in the fall of 2008, primarily to have a place to practice and play basketball. However, after being a member for a while, Lane started to utilize other amenities like the cardio and weight equipment, and the Pro Results® Personal Training program**. Since joining LA Fitness, Lane has lost 15 pounds and notices positive changes in his physical health now that he’s made fitness a part of his daily routine. Lane hopes to lose another 15-18 pounds and increase his cardio endurance, flexibility and agility.

His wife, Susan C., has been playing basketball since high school and used to work out with her fellow teammates at a local LA Fitness where she used to live in Marietta, GA. When she moved out to California years later, she continued working out at LA Fitness in order to maintain her workout routine and healthy lifestyle. Another huge draw for Susan was the Club Leagues basketball league. Lane was already involved in the league, so she decided to join too so that she could participate in league games with him.

“Always keep your fitness goal in mind. Even if it’s late on a Friday night, I ask myself if it means more for me to eat a bag of chips or be able to jump without added weight or inflammation come Monday afternoon. The benefits of fitness always outweigh the “cons” not only physically but also mentally. Plus, there are plenty of good alternatives to things we enjoy which, in some cases, I’ve come to enjoy just as much if not more. Stay focused.”

Lane C. 

The Group League Experience 

Lane and Susan shared that their involvement in the league has led to many close friendships over the years. Susan notes that her experience in Club Leagues basketball “creates a comradery and a social circle in and of itself, and that has been an added bonus.” Lane added that “it gives [them] the opportunity to play in a competitive, well-organized format which [they] enjoy.” He went on to add, “One of the highlights of my day is getting off work and meeting her at the gym for a ‘shoot-around’ warmup and workout.”

Aside from basketball, Susan enjoys the Group Fitness cycle classes** that are included with LA Fitness memberships. She explained to me that cycling helps her with her endurance and helps build and maintain her leg muscles, which helps her stay strong and avoid injury on the basketball court. Susan hopes to tone up her muscles and maintain her cardio and endurance levels so she’s always ready  should a spontaneous game of basketball arise. Her main goal is to find a routine of cardio, strength and circuit exercises that she could realistically commit to with her busy work schedule.

When asked what piece of fitness advice she could give to others, Susan shared:

“Not to get discouraged if you get off track. There are always going to be things that get in the way (vacations, crazy work hours, family time, etc.), and if I get off track one week or two, I oftentimes struggle with wanting to check out mentally because I feel like I have lost my momentum or progress. That can snowball into a longer period of time if you don’t catch yourself. The truth is, a day or two, or even a week or two will not derail your goals, and the quicker you get back on track the better you will feel. Try to fight the negative thinking the best you can and just get back into your routine the next chance you get so you don’t find yourself with regret because you waited too long.”

Lane C., Susan C., and team, from their winning basketball championship game. June 2014.

Sweet Inspiration

We asked Susan and Lane to share with us something that inspires them about the other, and this is what they had to say:

I’m always inspired by Lane’s commitment to playing basketball and/or working out several times a week, no matter how busy he is. For him, it’s a given that he will find a way to work it into his schedule. I’m also inspired by his ability to connect and get along with so many different people. He is a staple at the LA Fitness basketball courts and has the respect of a lot of the regulars there and other nearby LA Fitness gyms, so I’m always proud to tell someone that he is my husband. Basketball is a competitive sport and can get heated, but he always conducts himself in a way that makes me proud to tell people I’m his wife.  He also has never made me feel out of place for being the only girl out there. He embraces it and embraces me as his teammate and I love that – just like he and I do in our marriage.

Susan C.

I am constantly inspired by Susan’s work ethic and her ability to prioritize. Regardless of what life throws at her, she always gets the priorities accomplished. She also encourages me to eat well and maintain an active lifestyle. She played D1 college basketball and understands the benefits of fitness. Because of that, she inspires me to push harder than I might otherwise because she knows what’s on the other side of all that effort and sacrifice. I’m also very fortunate that my wife loves the game of basketball as much as me. We’ve been able to play together in a number of leagues together and make many mutual friends along the way. Additionally, she is one of the most genuine people I know, and that carries over to every aspect of her life whether it be fitness, work, basketball, etc. She genuinely cares about what is in the best interest of others, and I think that has a lot to do with the reason she is able to maintain at such a high level.  Selfishness drains a person of many things, but she’s one of the most selfless people I know.

Lane C.

No doubt, the basketball-loving duo will help each other stay on track and reach their own personal fitness goals.

*While the opinions herein are Lane and Susan’s own, Lane is an employee of LA Fitness and receives a free membership in connection with his employment.

**Classes and amenities vary by location and may be subject to an additional fee.

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Member Spotlight | Motivated to Make a Change

Member Spotlight | Motivated to Make a Change

The First Day of Forever 

There comes a moment in most of our lives, when suddenly something causes us to want to make a change for the better. For Bryson I. of Anaheim Hills, CA, it was when he weighed in at 280 lbs. It was the heaviest he had ever been in his life. His waist measured 42 inches, and he was noticing that his body’s health was beginning to take a toll. Bryson was told he was borderline diabetic, and with those words, something triggered inside of him – sparking a fitness crave that would ultimately change his life.

“This is the best part; best part of anything is the moment before it starts! Life is beautiful – keep it going at LA Fitness!”

– Bryson I.

It was about a year and five months ago when Bryson walked through the front doors of the Anaheim Hills LA Fitness club. He met with Abed, the General Manager, and signed up for a membership that day. He was determined to take back control of his health. However, this headstrong determination would come as no surprise to those who know Bryson.

Growing up, Bryson had always been involved in sports. In fact, sports were ingrained into his family’s lifestyle. However, 13 years had since passed since Bryson was actively engaged on a sports team, and now he missed playing. He chose LA Fitness because his father had been an avid member his entire life. Bryson wanted to choose a place that not only felt like family, but where he could train with them as well.

Focus, Family & Food

Knowing that it would take a total lifestyle change in order to reap both physical and health benefits, Bryson cut out soda, fast food, energy drinks, and alcohol for 6 months. This wasn’t necessarily an easy thing for Bryson to do, considering he is a professional in the restaurant industry working as a marketing and sales executive. His position allows him the privilege to work with all types of famous and talented chefs, making food a constant staple in his life. However, he had made up his mind that he had to change his diet to obtain the results he desired.

“When I started to see a change in my body, that’s what got me hooked, that’s when I got addicted to change my entire life for the better and share my process with others on social media, and “Bryson 2.0” was born.”

– Bryson I.

Since starting on his fitness journey, Bryson has lost 80 lbs. and gained a growing number of fitness followers on his social media channels. He chalks up his 80-pound loss to a healthy change in diet, as well as making working out a priority. Bryson shared that most of his inspiration stems from his father and sister. His father, Kimo, has been lifting at LA Fitness since Bryson was 5 years old. Kimo had, and continues to act, as a type of fitness coach to his son, which Bryson describes as being “truly an honor”. Because of his father’s years of lifting experience, he was able to help guide his son into the world of lifting. His sister, Malia, has also been dedicated throughout the years by working out daily and meal prepping. Bryson describes his family as being “a big inspiration to me when I lift at LA Fitness, it’s what keeps me going.”

“When you lift, intentionally focus on you, set short and long term goals and don’t give up until you meet them. Also, remember that at LA Fitness you are part of a team, a family. Together, we are all gonna make it!”

– Bryson I.

Where is he now?

Bryson has been asked to compete in his first NPC (National Physique Committee) national qualifier in Hawaii and Olympia, which he is very excited about. And perhaps even greater news is what he heard from his doctor, a year after first starting on his fitness journey. Bryson shared that “he was so impressed to see my body change and health exponentially improve. Because of my LA Fitness family, I have a new life with a new body.” Bryson hopes that his transformation will inspire others to do the same.

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