The Importance of Sleep – Podcast Ep. 33

The Importance of Sleep – Podcast Ep. 33

Welcome to the 33rd episode of the Living Healthy podcast, presented by LA Fitness.

On this episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, we speak with Dr. Bob Davari to discuss the importance of sleep and what happens when you don’t get enough. We assure you this episode is not one to sleep through. You’ll hear about how your body’s rest time impacts your weight, the health of your brain, your memory, and a lot more. Listen in to hear what Dr. Davari has to say about this important component of your day-to-day life.

How Are We Doing? 

This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Timecard Markers – The Importance of Sleep – Podcast Ep. 33   



Andrew Shares His Sleep Stories 


Introduction of Dr. Bob Davari of Kaiser Permanente Orange County 


Why Do We Sleep and What are the Benefits of Sleep? 


What Happens (Chemically) in the Body During Sleep? 


Impact of Interrupted Sleep on Memory 


The Most Important Part of Your Sleep Cycle 


Regulating Your Wake-Up Time 


Do You Have to Get All Your Sleep Hours at the Same Time? 


What to Do if You Can’t Sleep 


Do Naps Help? 


Chronic Insomnia and Trouble Sleeping 


How Does Exercise and Room Temperature Play into Sleep? 


What is Sleep Apnea and What are its Challenges?  


What Happens to the Mind and Body When Not Getting Enough Sleep? 


Can You Age Faster if You’re Losing Sleep? 


Can Insufficient Sleep Affect Metabolism? 


How Much Does Sleep Affect Mood? 


Can You Catch Up on Lost Sleep? 


Can You Get Too Much Sleep? 


How Long Does It Take to Change Your Sleep Schedule? 


How to Manage Jet Lag 


As a Nation, Are We Getting Less Sleep? 


Actionable Advice 




Recommended Podcast Episodes 

Our Podcast Favorites in Honor of International Podcast Day!

Our Podcast Favorites in Honor of International Podcast Day!

It’s International Podcast Day! So, for today’s article, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite episodes from 2019! 

On this episode of our podcast, our hosts Andrew Gabell and Candice Currie speak with Subbarao Myla, Medical Director at the HOAG Cardiovascular Institute, to talk about the physical, spiritual, and nutritional aspects of heart health.  

An interesting, and less commonly discussed, topic in heart health is love and heartbreak. You’ll hear about how the heart reacts to oxytocin, which Myla termed “the hormone of love” and you’ll learn how and why a person can actually die of heartbreak.  

Don’t worry, we also discuss the positive side of things like how to help “fix” a broken heart. Myla even gives us some great insight into heart healthy nutrition tips and shares how dark chocolate can help lower your risk for a stroke! 

In this episode, you will learn not only how to read the different sections of a nutrition label, you will also learn about macro-nutrients and what they are, which fats you should look out for, and even why popcorn has 2 sets of nutrition facts. Haven’t you ever been curious why anyone would need to know the nutrition facts for both popped AND un-popped popcorn? We’ve been curious, so we found out. 

You’ll also hear from Matt to get the History Lesson on Food Labels You Never Knew You Needed, and from our Registered Dietician, Debbie James, to get the full nutrition label breakdown. 

Dr. Neel Doshi, certified psychiatrist and our guest for Episode 23, talks about what it means to be mentally healthy. He explains that “mental health is just a state-of-being which takes into account our cognitive, psychological, and emotional health.” Many factors, including our biology, psychology, social lives, and our environment impact our mental well-being. 

Listening to this podcast, you will learn just how normative our interactions with each other should be, regardless of whether we are aware or not aware of someone’s mental wellness or illness. You will also learn about how social media, technology, and exercise play a role in your own mental health. 

One of the most important things we can do is to start de-stigmatizing mental illness. We hope this episode offers information you never knew and helps you find ways to improve your personal well-being. 

Debbie James, RDN and LA Fitness Master Trainer, Geoff Fox compete in a trivia battle on fitness and nutrition.

You’ll get answers to questions like “What type of exercise is proven to improve mood and feel-good chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins?” and “Which non-meat-based product contains more protein than a chicken breast?” 

Burning questions paired with some light-hearted rivalry make this episode so much fun to listen to. Give it a listen and see for yourself!  

On Episode 29, you’ll hear from our registered dietician, Debbie James, on why metabolism declines with age, when it starts to do so for men and women, and what you can do to help rewind the clock on that decline.  

One of our favorite lines from Debbie in this episode is about how we are becoming spectators as we get older instead of participating. If you consider that, as children we would constantly be running and playing, and as adults we’d take our own children or our pets to the park and lounge in the shade as they play, that thought really comes into focus.  

We love the idea that we should go back to being participants in life instead of spectators, and it’s this physical activity that is key to reviving our metabolism. 

Now last, but by no means least of our favorite episodes, we have our discussion on fad diets. We’re talking about Paleo, Whole 30, Keto, Anti-Inflammatory, and Intermittent Fasting.  

We’ve probably all dabbled in some of these diet plans and maybe even found a favorite and stuck to it like glue. If you stop to think about it though, do you really know the effect these diets have on your body? In this episode, you can get informed about the pros and cons of each diet and get a more complete picture of what your nutrition plan might look like if you chose to try one of these popular diets. 

We hoped you enjoyed our featured episodes! Feel free to browse our full menu of podcasts to find other interesting and exciting topics. To access our monthly blog post highlights, subscribe to our newsletter today!

Why Metabolism Declines With Age (And How to Reverse It!) – Podcast Ep. 29

Why Metabolism Declines With Age (And How to Reverse It!) – Podcast Ep. 29

Welcome to the 29th episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, presented by LA Fitness.

On this episode of the Living Healthy Podcast, Debbie James, RDN, talks metabolism. Why does metabolism decrease as we age and how can we prevent or reverse this? All this and more on this week’s episode!

How Are We Doing? 

This podcast should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Timecard Markers – Why Metabolism Declines with Age – Podcast Ep. 29 


Begins at 0:01      

Introduction of LAF Registered Dietitian, Debbie James   


What is Metabolism?  


At What Age Does Metabolism Start Slowing Down?  


Are There Ways to Help Stop Metabolism from Declining?  


What Are Some Ways to Help Increase Your Metabolic Rate? 


When Does Bone Mass Start Declining? 


Is There a Way to Measure Your Metabolism? Should This Be Measured? 


Are There Certain Foods That Help Increase/Speed Up Metabolism?  


Are There Foods You Should Stay Away From? 


Andrew’s Sidebar Side Salad Segment  


What Outside Factors Affect Metabolism? How Does Stress Play a Role? 


Does Someone with a High Metabolism Have More Energy? 


Is There a Certain Type of Exercise That’s Best for Increasing Metabolism?  


Green Tea and EGCG – Does This Really Help Increase Calorie Expenditure?  


Actionable Advice 




Recommended Podcast Episodes 

Metabolism Advice for Those Over 50+

Metabolism Advice for Those Over 50+


I am a member at LA Fitness in San Antonio Texas, just signed up! Ever since I turned 50 I have been gaining weight with the same diet. I don’t drink sodas and I eat at home most of the time; lean poultry, tilapia, quinoa and sometimes rice. I try not to add too much salt to food. I have a busy life and I don’t have time to cook complicated meals or eat 8 times a day. Even though I hardly eat bread, I do like corn tortillas. Obviously, my metabolism has slowed down. 

– Rosa T.


Sounds like the “same diet” you’ve followed isn’t working for you now. From what you describe, the lean protein and plain grains are okay if the volume is appropriate. Check your portions as you should target 3-4 oz. poultry/fish and ½-1 C quinoa/rice (or 2-3 corn tortillas) per meal. Look at all the other foods that make up your diet and compare to recommended serving sizes.

Consider filling up on fruits and vegetables which provide bulk with fewer calories. Great that you avoid soda, but make sure other beverages aren’t loaded with sugar either – particularly coffee drinks or juices/smoothies. Regarding your metabolism, remember that reductions in activity and lean body mass are usually to blame. Use your new membership by getting in both calorie-burning aerobic exercise and muscle-retaining strength workouts.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Ask our Dietitian

Have a nutrition question? Our registered dietitian is ready to help!

Email or submit your question below and it may be featured in an upcoming article!

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Recommended Reading - Q+A

la fitness q and a, la fitness ask our dietitian, la fitness nutrition
I’m on a very strict low-protein diet. How can I adjust my diet to boost my energy and lose weight?

I’m on a very strict low-protein diet. How can I adjust my diet to boost my energy and lose weight?

I have a disease called PKU, so my body cannot break down protein. As a result, I'm on a very strict low-protein diet. What can I do to boost my energy, and metabolism to lose weight food-wise? - Sarah First and foremost, you should follow the guidance of your...

Stress and a Lowered Metabolism

Stress and a Lowered Metabolism


I have been eating a lot less, not meeting requirements, gaining weight, and noticing muscle loss. I’ve noticed a lowered metabolism and inflammation from stress. What can I do to fix these things?

– Angela M.


That is surely a mixed bag of concerns, Angela. Address the first problem you mentioned based on why you think you are eating a lot less. Time constraints? Opt for healthy convenience foods like prepackaged bowls. Depression/anxiety? Engage with others during mealtime and include a few favorite comfort foods. To meet micronutrient needs at least, you can add a daily multivitamin/mineral to cover your bases until your intake improves. Physical activity is the main option to stimulate metabolism. While resistance exercise builds muscle, aerobic exercise burns calories to tackle both your physique concerns. Incorporate more anti-inflammatory foods to combat the effects of chronic inflammation.

These include tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, nuts, fatty fish, berries and citrus fruit.1 Lastly, practice good stress-management techniques. In addition to exercise, you can step away from the stressor, smile & laugh, reach out to a trusted friend, and meditate.2


  1. Foods that Fight Inflammation. Harvard Health Publishing, June 2014.
  2. Five Tips to Help Manage Stress. American Psychological Association. Accessed May 28, 2019.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

Some questions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

Ask our Dietitian

Have a nutrition question? Our registered dietitian is ready to help!

Email or submit your question below and it may be featured in an upcoming article!

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Recommended Reading - Q+A

la fitness q and a, la fitness ask our dietitian, la fitness nutrition
I’m on a very strict low-protein diet. How can I adjust my diet to boost my energy and lose weight?

I’m on a very strict low-protein diet. How can I adjust my diet to boost my energy and lose weight?

I have a disease called PKU, so my body cannot break down protein. As a result, I'm on a very strict low-protein diet. What can I do to boost my energy, and metabolism to lose weight food-wise? - Sarah First and foremost, you should follow the guidance of your...



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