How Many Grams of Protein per Day?

How Many Grams of Protein per Day?


“How many grams of protein per day and how many kcals per day do you recommend? Currently, I am attempting to slim down and maintain muscle but do not work out much these days as I am swamped with schoolwork. Below are a few stats about me:

Male, 29 years old, 5′ 10″, 181 lbs, 21.7% body fat measured back on 5/22/2016”

– Robert E.


Based on your stats alone, one would expect you’d need 2200 calories per day for mild weight loss.  As you’re attempting to maintain muscle, consuming protein at 25-30% calories is ideal.  This would equate to 550-660 calories provided by 138-165 grams of protein.  Keep in mind that numbers are just based on an equation and don’t take into consideration your personal biochemistry or individual metabolism.

Relying on diet alone to slim down won’t maintain muscle.  For that you will need some physical activity.  Try to squeeze in just 5-10 minutes of calisthenics in the morning and evening on days that you can’t get to the gym.  This will probably take you less time than calculating the calories and grams of protein you’re consuming!

– Debbie J., MS, RD

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