The Sculpted in 16 Weeks Total Body New Year’s Workout

The Sculpted in 16 Weeks Total Body New Year’s Workout

Weeks 1 & 2

It seems like as soon as the New Year’s Eve ball drops in Times Square, people start making their New Year’s resolutions, and for many that means losing weight, getting into the gym and working out more this year.

If your resolution is to get sculpted and defined, we’ve got just the thing to help you hit the treadmill running this January! This amazing 16-week workout will guide you along over the next 16 weeks and challenge your body with a progressive program that combines circuit training and cardio.


How to do Cable Lateral Raises

How to do Cable Lateral Raises

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Cable Lateral Raises

Select an appropriate weight and adjust the stabilizing arms to a low and wide position. Grab the handles with your opposing hands so that the cables criss-cross. Then, pull the handles out to your sides as you raise your arms, pause when your elbows are even with your shoulders, and then reverse the motion, stopping again just before the weight stack rests in the original position. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

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The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss Resolutions this New Year

New Year 2016 LA Fitness Cover photo

The New Year is approaching, and with it comes the season of resolutions. Often, weight loss is at the top of many New Year’s resolution lists, but sticking to a weight loss resolution has proved challenging for many.[i] Studies have shown that only about eight percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolution, [ii] which is why it’s important to have the proper tools and guidance to achieve it.


How to do a Seated Cable Overhead Triceps Extension

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Seated Cable Overhead Triceps Extension

Select an appropriate weight. Then, grab the handles and position your arms next to your head so that your biceps are in line with your ears and your palms are facing out. Push the handles up and away from you without moving your upper arms or shoulders until your arms are straight, pause and then reverse the motion. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

Do you want to effortlessly follow our blog? CLICK HERE and we will show you how to have each new workout sent right to you!

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