93 and Swimming Everyday, A Must Watch REAL STORY

Bill swims seven days a week at LA Fitness at the age of 93.  He uses the exercise as an outlet and a way to stay active in spite of some physical limitations. His dedication is just one thing we can learn from a man who has lived such a full life. Watch his inspiring story today!

Be sure to come back for more inspiring REAL STORIES and helpful TOP TIPS every week. Simply CLICK HERE to learn how you can instantly receive each article as soon as they publish so you don’t miss a thing!

Sizzling Summer Six-Pack Tips


Creating a summer six-pack isn’t just about the exercises you perform; it’s also about the lifestyle choices you make each and every day.

After integrating the Sizzling Summer Six-Pack Exercises from our last article into your fitness routine, you’ll probably want some equally sizzling six-pack lifestyle tips to complement your hard work in the gym.

Combine these hot TOP TIPS with our Sizzling Summer Six-Pack Exercises for the ultimate summer abs you have always wanted! (more…)



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