How Can I Gain Muscle, While Losing Weight? | Q+A

How Can I Gain Muscle, While Losing Weight? | Q+A


I am a 22 year old male that recently lost 100 pounds. I am currently 6’3” 145 pounds. I’m currently what could be considered skinny fat. About 2 weeks ago I joined LA Fitness and have been going about 6 days a week. I am looking to gain muscle and hopefully lose the stubborn fat that I still have around my chest. What should my diet look like to do this?

– Nate B.


To get back to a healthy weight by gaining lean mass, you’ll need to support your weight training/resistance workouts with enough calories. As you still want to get rid of fat from your torso, those calories can’t be excessive. How much to eat, then? Since I don’t know how many calories you eat presently, let’s just say it’s safe to add 200-300 calories per hour that you’re now working out. (A man your age and size might burn 2800 calories per day.)

Those additional daily calories should be from lower fat (“lean”) and minimally processed (“clean”) foods. Suitable food combinations that fit into the 200-300 calorie range:

  • 1 C cooked oats + ½ C berries + 8 fl oz non-fat milk
  • Medium apple + palm full of raw almonds
  • 2 slices sandwich bread, 2 oz turkey, 1 oz low fat cheese, mustard
  • Vegetable egg white omelet
  • Small (130 gm) bean and cheese burrito
  • 1 C Waldorf chicken salad on greens

Note that you only need to add calories to fuel the muscle work and provide blocks for building muscle on the days you are working out.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

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Recommended Reading

The Basics of Bulking – Podcast Ep. 40

The Basics of Bulking – Podcast Ep. 40

On today’s episode, you’ll hear from one of our own Master Trainers about what you should be eating and how you should be exercising during your bulking phase.

Am I Eating Too Little? | Q+A

Am I Eating Too Little? | Q+A


I am a 40 year old male, I currently weigh 260lbs. I have a desk job but I am very active otherwise outdoors and I have started going back to the gym for weight training M-F during my lunch hours and also do 30-40 minutes of cardio 3x a week, in addition to a 6 mile hike and a 10 mile bike ride the other 2 days. On the weekends I am very active usually backpacking or hiking. My goal is to get back down to a healthy 225. I am currently 31% body fat. I use MyFitnessPal to track my calories. My typical day is usually under 1800 calories; I eat pretty healthy consisting of an average of 35% carbs, 25% fat and 40% protein. My goal isn’t necessary to gain huge mass, I would like to maintain my muscle (and get stronger, not necessarily bigger), and drop my fat. My question is, am I eating too little? Since I put myself on an eating schedule, I don’t feel like I am starving myself. I have only been at this routine for the last 10 days or so, and I don’t really expect to see immediate results, but my goal is around 2 lbs. per week. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

– Jason N.


At first glance, your caloric intake does seem a bit low for the amount of activity you’re engaged in. However, if you are satiated after meals and aren’t lacking energy as the day progresses, you may be eating enough. Losing 2 pounds per week does take quite a caloric deficit — approximately 7000 calories per week! By eating smart, not more/less, you can maintain your muscle mass while you lose fat weight.

By my calculation, you’re getting at least 150 gm carbohydrate, so you’re meeting your base need there. Your protein intake equates to about 1 gram per pound of fat-free mass, the maximum you’re likely to put to use. Fat provides 450 of your daily calories (50 grams), which is not ample but sufficient. You should be able to maintain your described caloric breakdown as long as you see progress.

Additionally, I’d recommend that you support those workouts by consuming the bulk of your intake in the hours surrounding your physical activity. So if you’re exercising in the morning, eat more then and less at night. Keep up your fiber and fluid intake, as these help you to feel full when volume is down.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

This article should not replace any exercise program or restrictions, any dietary supplements or restrictions, or any other medical recommendations from your primary care physician. Before starting any exercise program or diet, make sure it is approved by your doctor.

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Recommended Reading

The Basics of Bulking – Podcast Ep. 40

The Basics of Bulking – Podcast Ep. 40

On today’s episode, you’ll hear from one of our own Master Trainers about what you should be eating and how you should be exercising during your bulking phase.



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