5 Reasons Drinking More Water Will Make You Say ‘H20 Yeah’!

5 Reasons Drinking More Water Will Make You Say ‘H20 Yeah’!

Water is kind of a big deal! Water makes up 55 to 60 percent of the human body and plays a vital role in a number of essential bodily functions including regulating your internal body temperature and getting rid of waste.[i] That’s why it’s not a big surprise that drinking plenty of H2O to stay hydrated is also important to your health, fitness and overall well-being!


The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss – Weight Training

The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss – Weight Training

Find Your Weight Training Plan

There are multiple angles you can take to attack unwanted weight, all of which can make a significant impact on their own. But why take only one angle when you can combine them to formulate a complete plan of attack? That’s what The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss is all about: taking multiple angles or “prongs,” to attack and conquer the villain that is unwanted weight once and for all! One of those prongs is WEIGHT TRAINING.


How to do a Stability Ball Pendulum

How to do a Stability Ball Pendulum

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Stability Ball Pendulum

Lie on your back and place a stability ball between your ankles and feet. Next, place your hands out to your sides, and slowly lower your legs to one side while maintaining control of the motion. Then, reverse the direction to the opposite side. Make sure to keep both of your shoulders on the ground during the entire exercise. Continue the repetitions for a duration that best suits your personal level of fitness.

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How to do a Single-Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row on a Bench

How to do a Single-Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row on a Bench

How to do Exercises and use the Fitness Equipment at LA Fitness.

Single-Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Row on a Bench

Place one foot on the ground with your opposite knee on the bench. Place your hand on the bench so that your upper body is parallel to the ground. Now, while holding the dumbbell at your side and maintaining a slight bend in your elbow, use your upper back muscles to lift the weight to your sides. Then, slowly reverse the motion and return to the starting position, again maintaining a slight bend at your elbows. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

If you want to effortlessly follow our blog, then CLICK HERE and we will show you how to have each new workout sent right to you!

Interested in Joining LA Fitness, sign up ONLINE today? CLICK HERE for membership information!



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