No Knee to Worry About: Clay Takes a “Windy” Vacation

To his delight, Clay decided to take a last-minute trip to Chicago—a trip that he had previously dismissed as an option due to the surgery on his knee. But his recent progress has him feeling confident about his ability to walk around “The Windy City,” and a large part of his confidence is credited to his first round of golf since the surgery (Clay’s last story segment), which left him feeling invigorated.


From a Walker, to a Cane, to a Golf Course in Six Weeks: How did Clay do It?

Clay’s doctor gave him the official “okay” to play golf, and it’s no surprise that Clay took that news straight to the nearest 18 holes that he could find. If you read our first segment, about “Clay’s Story,” then you already know he has an uncompromising will and determination, and he possess a laser-like focus on all things that provide hope. (more…)

5 Simple Motivators: That Help You Stick-to Your New Year’s Resolution

Here we go again…it’s week three of the NEW YEAR, and many of us have a fitness or weight loss goal as our New Year’s resolution. But doesn’t it seem like every year you start-off with a bang, only to fall hard with a crash…never getting to your desired goal?

Here are 5 simple ways to help you stick-to your New Year’s resolution:




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