8 Common Workout Excuses and How to Crush Them

8 Common Workout Excuses and How to Crush Them

It’s the start of the new year and the start of many new resolutions. If health and fitness are on your list, you’ll need these excuse busters for the time when your dedication starts to wane. It happens. We start off strong, but as keeping our commitments gets more challenging, we start to make “exceptions.” Don’t let excuses derail you. Keep pushing for your goals with these reasons to ditch some common workout excuses. 

1. I Don’t Have Time

You may have encountered them by now; the workout plans promising results in 30, 20, 10 minutes a day, or less. These workout plans crop up because having time to work out is a real concern for many people. While we don’t know if those particular routines are effective, we do know that working out for some time is better than nothing at all. It has long been recommended that if you don’t have long breaks in your day, you can break up and disperse your workout into shorter sessions.  

Kick this excuse to the curb and start adding more movement to your day. Get some ideas for how you can do that by reading these Quick and Easy Workouts for a Busy Morning, or read some tips on How to Add Exercise to Your Busy Lifestyle. 

2. I’m Too Tired 

Okay, who’s still using this one? Science has proven that working out boosts our energy and releases all kinds of feel-good chemicals. You may start your workout feeling a bit out-of-sorts, but you’ll gain energy as you move and leave your workout more energized than when you started. So, it’s time to put this excuse to bed! For some nutrition tips to fuel your energy-stores, check out this article on Snacks to Help Boost Energy.

3. I’m Too Old

We have success stories that prove without a doubt that age is just a number. These LA Fitness members have overcome adversity, defied the odds, and achieved their goals, regardless of their age. You’ll toss this excuse once you’ve read these inspiring stories: 

Dave R. is 59 years old and still competing and placing in triathlons! For years, he has been running, swimming, and cycling his way to health.  

Ed B. is a 67-year-old with a history of knee issues and even a knee replacement. He works hard at LAF’s High Intensity Interval Training class and has never felt better.  

Peter B. is 82 years old and he cycles and does yoga 3 days a week. He also takes the opportunity to hike, swim, run, and lift weights! 

Jerry and Marilyn are 88 and 87, and they have been playing Raquetball together for the past 30 years!  

These are just a few of our successful older members! Browse our Member Spotlight page for more motivational stories. 

4. It Doesn’t Work for Me

Do you feel like you’ve tried to stick to an exercise routine before, and it doesn’t work or it’s hard to keep it going? You’re not alone. The key to reaping the benefits of exercise is consistency and commitment, and yes those are both easier said than done. 

Fortunately, studies show that you’re more likely to achieve your goal if you record it. Write it down or tell someone, and it’ll be easier for you to keep yourself accountable. If this sounds like something you’d like to try, you can share your goal on our Commit to Fitness page. 

5. It Feels Like a Chore


 Add the word “chore” to anything and it seems to zap your energy for it. If you are walking into your workout already expecting to have a terrible time, it’s more likely that you will. Though, if you’re dreading your workout you probably haven’t chosen your exercise type wisely. There are so many ways to exercise, from heavy weightlifting to smooth and steady Pilates. It’s important to find something you’ll actually look forward to.  


You have the power to choose, even if a specific type of workout has been prescribed to you. If you have to do cardio for your health, look up all the different types of cardiovascular workouts. You’ll see the dreaded treadmill, but you’ll also see boxing, cycling, dancing, swimming, hiking, rowing, step aerobics, and more. Choose what speaks to you and you’ll find it easy to sweep this excuse out the door.  

6. I’m Too Sore From My Previous Workout


This one is an acceptable excuse if working out will do more harm than good. If you’re just a little sore, however, working out can help ease those aches by increasing blood flow to your muscles. The extra blood helps flush out the chemicals responsible for your pain.1 So, “I’m too sore” should never be an excuse unless you’re in danger of injuring yourself or overusing your muscles, because a light workout out is a remedy! 

7. I’m On My Period


The cramps, the fatigue, the bloating, and all the discomfort of that time of the month can really make your workout day look more like crawl-into-bed-and-hibernate-for-a-week day. However, like the argument for #6, working out can actually be really good for you (and your workout) while you’re on your period.  

In fact, one study found that working out in the first 2 weeks of the menstrual cycle (the week of your period and up to a week after), helped women perform better during their workouts! The study recorded results like “significant increase in jump height, peak torque values in hamstrings, increased lean body mass of the legs,” and overall positive training experiences.2  

In addition to potentially benefitting your strength and power, exercising while on your period can help relieve pain! The endorphins released during your workout are natural pain killers!3 We know that each body is different, so if you’re able, it’s time to put this excuse to rest and take advantage of Aunt Flow’s monthly gift.

8. I’m Feeling Under the Weather


If you’re feeling under the weather for other reasons, you might be off-the-hook. It’s definitely okay to let your body rest and recover from illness and probably better that you do in many cases. However, if you’re past the worst of it and mostly recovered, you’re probably safe to exercise.  

WebMD cites their interview with Dr. Lewis G. Maharam who says that having a fever is essentially the deciding factor.4 It’s possible that you can dangerously increase your internal body temperature if you exercise while running a fever.4  

Let your body tell you what it feels capable of when you’re sick and, if you can, do a light workout to help keep your routine on track. 

Like what you’ve been reading? Stay in-the-loop and subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly highlights from the LA Fitness blog! 


  1. Sarnataro, Barbara Russi. “Coping With Sore Muscles After Physical Activity.” WebMD, WebMD, 2003, https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/features/sore-muscles-dont-stop-exercising#3. 
  2. Wikström-Frisén, Lisbeth. “Training and Hormones in Physically Active Women: with and without Oral Contraceptive Use.” DIVA, Umeå Universitet, 2 Sept. 2016, umu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A955835&dswid=6643. 
  3. Lindberg, Sara. “Can You Exercise on Your Period?” Healthline, 24 Aug. 2018, www.healthline.com/health/exercise-during-period#benefits. 
  4. Mann, Denise. “Exercising When Sick: A Good Move?” WebMD, WebMD, 23 Oct. 2007, https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/features/exercising-when-sick#1. 

Your 2020 Fitness Bucket List!

Your 2020 Fitness Bucket List!

This year, your fitness plan needs one of these Bucket List items! It’s easier to achieve a goal when it’s specific. So, pick out an item that aligns with your overall health goals, and work towards it!  

You may need to already be in a certain state of fitness for some of these. We don’t expect a beginner to sign up for their first marathon today, but we’re challenging you to work your way up to accomplishing something new! 

1. Learn a New Swim Stroke

If all you’ve got is the dogpaddle, it’s time. Ask the advice of an experienced swimmer and maybe don’t go alone if you’re new to swimming. If you’re comfortable in the water, you can read a guide like this one to apply techniques to accomplish strokes like the freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and sidestroke. 

2. Try Open-Water Swimming

Face your fear of sharks and try a long-distance swim! Again, not to be attempted alone! Search for training and open-water race opportunities near you, and dive into the exhilarating experience of open-water swimming. You can also train in the pool at your local LA Fitness like Triathlete Champion, Dave Ruby. What you’re looking for is a way to condition your muscles for the type of work a long-distance swim requires! 

3. Do a Wall-Free Handstand

To hold a handstand, you need strong shoulders, arms, and wrists to hold you up, and a strong core to keep you balanced. Taking this challenge means you’ll need to do some strengthening work. Are you up for it?  

If you’re already handstanding your way through life, we challenge you to try a new kind of handstand! One-handed, maybe? Try learning to walk on your hands or holding it for one minute. Can you do a handstand pushup? There are limitless ways to push the boundaries of what you can do!

4. Complete at Least 5 Unassisted Pullups

You may have seen or used the assisted pullup machine at the gym. It’s a great way to slowly increase the amount of weight you can pull until you are able to lift your full body weight into the pullup. If you’re completely new, aim for 5 pullups to start. If you’re seasoned, your next step might be a one-arm pullup, or maybe a muscle up!  

5. Complete at Least 5 Pushups

Easy pushups usually start with your knees on the ground to help support your weight. Just because it’s the “easy” version doesn’t mean your muscles aren’t working hard. New movement will always challenge your muscles. Try to get to 5 if you’re brand new, but don’t stop there! Shoot for 10 and then 15.  

If you’re already a master at pushups, add a new one to your repertoire. Unlock some new skills like a clap pushup, diamond pushup, try one with a hand behind your back, or go for a superman pushup! 

6. Accomplish a Planche

You’ll need a lot of body strength to successfully hold a planche. Those who can accomplish this move have stable wrists, strong arms and shoulders, a strong back and core, and perhaps even an understanding of physics. It is typically done on the ground or with paralletes, and you’ll need to be fairly strong to begin with. That doesn’t mean that you can’t learn some progressions to get to a fully extended straight-arm planche.

7. Master a Difficult Yoga Pose

Yoga isn’t just about achieving a calm, meditative state. You can build some serious muscle through many of the more challenging poses. If you’ve never taken a yoga class, give yourself an opportunity to learn more or find a class near you to try it out. You may find that you enjoy it more than you anticipated.  

If you’re not just looking to build strength and stability, performing yoga for the enjoyment of some tranquility is another great reason to add even just a few minutes of it to your day. 

8. Run a 5k or 10k

With so many themed 5k’s and 10k’s, running has never been more enjoyable. Many courses have a special theme, a unique reward at the finish line, surprises at each checkpoint, and sometimes even zombies to keep you running. Not to mention these events often support a charitable cause.  

If the distance looks daunting, keep in mind that there’s no pressure to run. You can go your own pace and all the festivities are a great distraction. In many cases, you’ll go home with a medal no matter when you cross the finish line. So, add this one to your list this year and let us know how it went! 

9. Train for or Compete in a Marathon or Triathlon

If you’re looking for a more intense test of your abilities, it may be time to train for or compete in your first marathon or triathlon. Real feats of endurance, physical fitness, and mental strength, these competitions are terrific goals to work towards. The only way you’ll survive is if you train smart and feed your body what it needs. Not only are you accomplishing something big, you’re practicing self-discipline and restraint to reach this bucket list item.

10. Learn to Ride a Tandem Bicycle

Bouncing back to a more easily achievable item, this one takes you back to your childhood. Didn’t think you’d need to learn to ride a bike again, did you? A tandem bike can be a lot of fun once you’ve figured out how to get it going. You’ll need some good teamwork skills and perhaps a bit of determination to power through your first tandem bike ride!

11. Compete in a Bike Race

Cyclists, it’s time to take it to the next level! Train in the gym or take it outside but a bike race needs to be on your bucket list. Not only is it great for building your endurance and for improving your cardiovascular health, your cycling route can show you miles of breathtaking natural scenery. You can do it for fun or do it to win, but make sure this experience is not missed! 

12. Try a Bike Friendly Mountain Trail

Make sure you have the right gear for this one. A mountain trail can be thrilling or leisurely depending on where you go and which trail you choose. Start out with something simple, as you would with anything new, and work your way up to more advanced trails. Take-in a stunning sunrise, bask in the stretches of land you can only see from a mountaintop, and maybe even stop to watch the wildlife.

13. Hike a 5-Mile Trail or Longer

A good long hike can take several hours to several days, but above all else, go prepared! Being well-supplied isn’t only safer, it puts your mind at ease. You’ll find you’re able to simply be in the moment instead of feeling antsy to return to civilization because you’re hungry or your socks got wet and you didn’t bring a spare. Also, the satisfaction of looking out over some beautiful vista, with nothing but the power of your body to get you there, is really, really, good. 

14. Learn to Ski or Snowboard

Snow sports are a whole new world if you’re not accustomed to those frozen flakes descending from the clouds. Simply walking in your gear can be a workout.

Despite the huffing and puffing just to get to the lifts, both of these winter sports are exhilarating once you get the hang of them! A tip for beginners: take a cabin for a few days to adjust to the altitude, and spend some time taking classes! Practice your skills and stick to the bunny slope until you’re more comfortable moving to the next level. 

If you’re already comfortable with one or both of these, your challenge is to learn a trick! Ski tricks and snowboard tricks add a new level of excitement and accomplishment when you go out to hit the slopes, not to mention you’ll get a lot of awed attention.

15. Try Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a great way to build your upper body and increase your grip strength. Aside from the physical benefits, there’s a lot of adrenaline to be enjoyed from this activity. It is not for the feint hearted. Of course, you can start with the much safer option of indoor rock climbing where you’re strapped-in to a harness and spotted from below. As you get stronger and more confident in your climbing you can progress to bouldering, which is essentially climbing without a harness but to limited heights.

16. Join the 1,000-Pound Club

No, you don’t get to just sign up for this club, you earn your way in. The 1,000-pound club refers to your power lifting total. The sum of the weight you can move by Deadlift, Weighted Squat, and Bench Press must make up 1,000-pounds. Depending on your body weight, and other factors, this can be a little easier or more difficult to achieve. The idea is to challenge yourself to increase what you are capable of because the human body is incredible and can do a lot more than we think.

17. Take a Dance Class

Either you’ve never considered it because it sounds boring or uncool, or you’ve been meaning to do it for a long time. Dancing is not just a great form of fitness it has actually been shown to benefit your mental acuity and memory. Browse through our selection of classes and find something that sparks your interest! You’ll torch calories and it’ll feel more like fun than it will like a workout.  

18. Compete in a Team Competition

Basketball, Raquetball, Volleyball, Football, and more. Start your own team with your friends or join one of our club leagues. Getting involved in some healthy competition is really good for your motivation and your athleticism. That’s partly because being on a team drives you to push harder than you normally would if you were working out alone. Join a team and see how it fuels your fitness goals! 

19. Improve Your Flexibility

Being flexible is great for your overall health and fitness. You don’t have to be able to bend over backwards but improving your flexibility protects you from injury and can help you perform other exercises more easily and effectively. Take skiing, for example. More flexibility helps you bend into your knees and hips a little deeper and change direction more easily. Or consider swimming. Better flexibility will improve your shoulder extension and rotation. Many athletes now take up yoga for precisely this reason. 

20. Give Personal Training a Try

You may not know exactly what your body can do until you’ve tested it in the right ways. If you aren’t sure where to begin, or if you love the sound of these bucket list items but don’t feel ready to tackle them, a personal trainer can help you. You’ll learn new exercises to add to your arsenal and reap the benefits of one-on-one attention and guidance.  

Don’t stumble through your fitness plans with trial and error, zero in on your goals with the help of a professional who knows how to get you where you need to go. Book a complimentary fitness assessment and get matched with one of our ProResults® Personal Trainers! 

Which of these challenges are you planning to take on this year? Share your goals in the comments below! Then, stay in-the-loop and subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly highlights from the LA Fitness blog! 

Your Guide to Creating Your Own Meal Plan

Your Guide to Creating Your Own Meal Plan

Any good workout plan needs a good nutrition plan. Over the years, we’ve learned a lot from our registered dietitian, Debbie James. Today, we’re compiling pieces of her best advice to help you construct your perfect meal plan. 

How to Build Your Own Meal Plan 

Many of our readers want to know what they should be eating for weight loss, for healthy weight gain, for muscle gain, and more. To help simplify your search for the right answer, look no further than the article: How to Create a Meal Plan. 

Here, you will find Debbie’s step-by-step process to construct a nutrition plan that meets your desired calorie count and macronutrient content. Because you’re making it yourself, you can easily tailor your “menu” to include only the foods you will actually eat. Paired with examples of how to follow each step, and tips for success, this article is a great place to start building your nutrition plan. 

If, before getting started, you’d like some general information on carbs, fats, and proteins, you can read her post: Let’s Talk About the Basics. 

Healthy Meal Options and Sample Plans 

As you put together your meal plan, you’ll be looking for ideas. What are examples of healthy pairings? Should you go for protein or complex carbs? What are healthy substitutions for foods you’re trying to cut-out? Fortunately, Debbie has explored these types of questions as well. 

In her post on Healthy Suggestions for Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks, Debbie offers a breakdown of potential meals that are about 750 calories each.  

Another post on Breakfast and Lunch Options on the Go offers some sample meals that come in at about 600 calories each. 

Depending on what your daily caloric needs are, you can add, remove, or swap items with healthy alternatives from the list you made in the first step of creating your meal plan. Keep in mind that sample meal plans are not meant to be repeated every day. The hope is that you will follow the structure but switch up your food choices so you can benefit from the nutritional content in your various food choices. 

Customizing Your Plan 

Vegan – For vegan meals, tasty options abound. Not only does Debbie talk about Vegan Breakfasts, she offers possible food combinations to give any meal more variety and provides readers with a list of the top vegan sources of protein. 

Vegetarian – What if your meal plan is leaning towards vegetarian? Here, Debbie lists some high protein and low carb vegetarian foods that you can work into your meal plan. You’ll also find her response to questions about How to Lose Weight on a Vegetarian Diet or How to Gain Healthy Weight on a Vegetarian Diet. 

Low-Carb – If you’re trying to go low carb, you might be interested in this piece on Cauliflower Substitutions, the most recent craze in terms of rice and dough alternatives. Or, perhaps you want to know about the Best Time of Day to Eat Starchy Carbs. Yup, there’s a piece on that too! 

Nutritious Snacks

Snacks are also on our radar when we’re structuring our food for the day. They keep us from getting too hungry before our next meal and can help keep us feeling full and energized throughout the day. What you choose to put on your snack list, however, is just as important as what goes into your meals. Debbie’s Super Snacking Guide offers a nice breakdown of what you should aim for when putting together your snacks. 

If you still need some more ideas or feel like your options are limited by your dietary restrictions, you may find her answer to this reader’s question helpful. It offers some insight into healthy substitutions for sugary and salty snacks. Other answers share which snacks will keep hunger at bay and which can help boost your energy. We haven’t forgotten about our readers with gluten sensitivities or intolerances. This list on Gluten-Free Snacks can help guide your decision-making as well.


If this all sounds like just a little too much to read, you can listen to Debbie’s advice in many of our podcasts. Some relevant topics you might enjoy include:  

How to Never Fail at a Diet Again 

How to Meal Prep the Right Way 

What You’ve Been Wanting to Know About Fad Diets (Paleo, Keto, and More) 

How to Read a Nutrition Label 

Do You Have a Nutrition Question?  

Your nutrition questions are always welcome and Debbie is ready to help! Simply email nutrition@lafitness.com or submit your question online and it may be featured in an upcoming article! To access our monthly blog post highlights, subscribe to our newsletter, today! 

Why You Shouldn’t Set New Resolutions This January

Why You Shouldn’t Set New Resolutions This January

Okay, so this post isn’t for everyone. This one is for the yo-yo dieters and the “I can’t stick to my workout” crew. For many people, setting schedules, making plans, and sticking to routines is near impossible 

We might know exactly what we need to do, exactly how we should eat, or which workouts benefit our bodies. Even if we have all the right information, we still stray from the path to success. Why? 

Well, we often forget something we’re commonly told: Everyone functions differently. Just because an approach works for Person A doesn’t mean it’ll work for Person B. So why takeon your health and fitness plan any differently? 

If you’re setting up your New Year’s Resolutions and, in the back of your mind, you’re already anticipating the struggle, this one’s for you. 

Don’t Set a New Goal, Set a New Approach  

When we struggle to achieve a goal, it’s rarely the goal that’s the problem (unless it’s unrealistic or unattainable). So, instead of setting a different goal let’s focus on setting a different approach.  

This is how to do it: 

ZeroIn on Your Motivators 

1. Take some time to think about what your reasons are for wanting to make some change.
However you do it, make sure it’s memorable. Make a list and keep it accessible, think about them to yourself, say them aloud, tell them to someone, or find some other way to make them easy to remember.  

2. Choose more than one! This is so important to do. If one of your motivators ceases to matter, or if you successfully hit a milestone, having more than one helps you keep going towards your ultimate goal.

3. Choose reliable motivators. For example: If you’re losing weight for health reasons, and you choose to motivate yourself with the possibility of fitting into a special outfit, what would happen if one day you decided you no longer cared for that outfit? A reliable motivator could be the sense of accomplishment from taking the stairs without getting winded or when you find you’re able to chase your kids for longer than a few minutes. 

Rewrite Your Goal

If you have a goal like “I want to lose 25 pounds in 3 months,” rewrite that goal to say something like: “In 3 months I want to be able to run a mile without stopping.” When you’re focused on your fitness level instead of on the scale, you’ll lose weight without even realizing it.  

You can also take your big goal with the faraway end-date and dice it up into bite-sized pieces with closer end-dates. Doing it this way means you’ll have opportunities to hit more achievements which can do a lot for your motivation! 

Forgive Yourself for Your Mistakes 

If you make a mistake, don’t let yourself slip into the idea that you may as well stop trying. If you swore off junk food, and one day you couldn’t help yourself and you had a donut, that doesn’t mean you can have junk food for the rest of the day because you already slipped up. Forgive the moment of weakness and enjoy the heck out of that donut. Then get back on track from there without undoing the rest of your day.  

On that note, you should also make allowance for small indulgences here and there. Taking the hard-core “cold turkey” approach doesn’t work for everyone and you may sabotage your chances for long-term success. 

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Remember when we talked about planning and how it’s easier for some than it is for others? Waiting until the last minute can be the downfall of many. We understand. The end of the year is a really busy time. There’s no reason you can’t start to work towards your resolutions on January 10th instead of the 1st, or an hour from now if that’s what you wanted. The important thing is to set a hard start date. If you waffle back and forth on when you really started your diet, you’ll find reasons why this or that cheat meal is acceptable, because you “didn’t really start yet.”  

Trust us on this one, your body doesn’t know the difference between starting your health plan on Monday or Wednesday or at the start of the new year or mid-February. The important thing is to decide when you’re starting and follow-through. 

We can help you succeed! Follow our blog for helpful posts on fitness and nutrition topics, and for motivational stories from other LA Fitness members. You’ll find helpful posts like our dietitian’s answer to this question about How to Create a Meal Plan. You’ll also be able to listen to the episodes of our podcast, like this one on How to Like Running. To access our monthly blog post highlights, subscribe to our newsletter, today!

Strength Training for Aging Bodies

Strength Training for Aging Bodies

There seems to be this idea that, as we age, frailty and loss of energy are inevitable. However, these can be symptoms of something that is highly preventable: muscle loss.1 What is the primary cause of muscle loss? Inactivity! 

Everyday activities like climbing the stairs, carrying groceries, playing with the kids or grandkids, or cleaning the house don’t have to become more difficult! Strength training is the answer to this common problem, and no, it’s not just for the gym buffs. 

We’ll be taking you through the many benefits and some sample exercises with the help of Tufts University’s book on the Growing Stronger exercise program. The book is a completely free, accessible, and research-driven guide that can help you regain your strength and your independence.  

Because the exercise program offered in Growing Stronger has been tested in its entirety, this article should not serve as a replacement. It simply highlights many key components of the program to showcase how fitness can be an easy and progressive addition to your lifestyle regardless of age 

The Physical Benefits of Strength Training for Older Adults 

Strength training can help alleviate the symptoms of many chronic conditions and diseases.1 Seguin and colleagues identify the following benefits for several common conditions: 

Arthritis: Reduces pain and stiffness, and increases strength and flexibility 

Diabetes: Greater control of your blood sugar levels 

Osteoporosis: Builds bone density and reduces the risk of falls 

Heart Disease: Reduces cardiovascular risk by improving lipid profile and overall fitness.  

Obesity: Increases metabolism, which, in turn, burns more calories and aids long-term weight control.  

Back Pain: Strengthens back and abdominal muscles. As a result, stress on the spine is reduced. 

Safety Tips and Recommendations

As with any new exercise program, it is important to consult with your doctor to make sure that your exercise plan is safe for you and that it aligns with your other health goals. Once you are sure you can proceed, there are still some safety recommendations the Growing Stronger authors would like you to consider: 

  1. Shoes with good support are a must. The recommendation here is that you choose rubber soles that aren’t too thick because thick soles can cause you to trip. 
  2. The weights you use are another important consideration. You don’t want to start with anything too heavy. The numbers may not look impressive, but it is the safest way to transition from body-weight exercises to exercises that involve weights. The authors recommend pairs of dumbbells in the following weights: 



2 pounds 

3 pounds 

3 pounds 

5 pounds 

5 pounds 

8 pounds 

They also advise that you choose adjustable ankle weights because you will be able to more freely alter what you’re working with. 

3. Store your weights on the ground or at ground-level storage. This eliminates the possibility of the weights falling on you if you are attempting to reach them from a high storage location. You can even leave them in a wheeled cart for easier access.

4. A commonly cited piece of advice (but one still worth mentioning) is that you should aim to exercise every other day to allow your muscles to rest. You can also alternate muscle groups (legs one day, upper body the following day) to avoid overworking a single muscle group. 

5. Perhaps the best thing you can do is to be attentive to the aches and pains in your body. Don’t work out if your muscles feel strained or if you feel unable to safely exercise.  

Effective Exercises to Start Rebuilding Strength

The book offers a detailed breakdown of multiple exercises and even plans them in stages. Once you have completed the first stage (about 2 weeks), you will be able to move on to a more difficult set of exercises. Here are just a few of their recommended exercises divided by difficulty level. 

Stage 1 Exercises

Stage 1 exercises should be performed for 2 to 3 weeks before moving on to Stage 2. For each exercise, perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions with a 1-minute rest period in between sets. 


You may already know how to do a basic squat; it is essentially the act of sitting down, without actually sitting down. This exercise is great for strengthening the hips, thighs, and glutes. 

Placing your body weight into your heels (as opposed to you leaning into your toes), lower into a seated position and rise back up to your standing position. Be careful not to let your knees come forward past your toes. You can choose to actually sit on a sturdy chair as you perform this exercise and to use your hands to guide your motion until you get stronger. 

Wall Push-ups

These are just like regular push-ups except your feet are planted on the ground and you are pushing off the wall. This is still a great way to strengthen your arms, chest, and shoulders, without having to get down on the ground. 

Toe Stands

Also known as calf raises, this exercise strengthens your calves and restores your balance. Stand tall and with your feet flat on the ground. Using the back of a chair (or another stable surface) for balance, rise onto your toes and settle back down. 

Stage 2 Exercises

Stage 2 exercises should be performed for 2 to 3 weeks before moving on to Stage 3. For each exercise, perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions with a 1-minute rest period in between sets. If you find yourself able to complete 10 repetitions easily, and with proper form, consider increasing the weight of the dumbbells or ankle weights for your next set

Bicep Curl

The biceps curl is a great strengthening exercise that also helps improve your grip strength. Using your lightest set of dumbbells, lift the weights by bending at the elbow and bring the dumbbells towards your shoulders. Your palms should be facing you. You may do this from a seated or standing position. 

Overhead Press

This exercise works the muscles in your arms, upper back, and shoulders. It simplifies tasks like reaching for items in high locations. From a standing or seated position, hold a dumbbell in each hand and bring the weight up towards your shoulders (as though you just did a bicep curl). Rotate your wrists so that your palms face away from you. This is your starting position for the Overheard Press.  

With controlled movement, push the dumbbells up above your head until your arms reach full extension. Then return the dumbbells to your shoulders. Do not actually rest the weights on your shoulders.  

Side Hip Raise

The muscles in your hips, thighs, and glutes are putting in the work with this exercise. Not only can the Side Hip Raise shape your lower body, it can also strengthen your hip bones which are more vulnerable as you age. 

Using a stable surface for balance, stand with your feet slightly apart and your toes facing forward. You may have ankle weights added to increase the difficulty. Without locking your knees, lift your leg out to the side, pause for a moment, and lower your leg back to the floor.

Stage 3 Exercises

For each exercise, perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions with a 1 to 2-minute rest period in between sets. Again, if you find yourself able to easily and properly complete 10 repetitions, consider increasing the weight of the ankle weights. 

Knee Extension

The muscles along the front of your thigh are the target of this exercise. It helps strengthen weak knees. 

With your ankle weights fastened, sit all the way back in a sturdy chair with your toes pointing forward. Your feet should barely touch the ground. Flex one foot and extend your leg until your knee is straight. Then, lower your foot back to the ground. After you complete 1 set of 10, do a set with the other leg. Then start over to complete a second set for each leg. 

Knee Curl

If you strengthen the front of the muscle you should really strengthen the back as well. This exercise targets the hamstrings (the back of the upper leg) and pairing it with the knee extension can make walking and climbing stairs easier. 

With your ankle weights fastened, stand behind a stable surface for balance with your feet just less than shoulderwidth apart. Keep your foot flexed as you bring your heel towards your butt and pause for a moment before lowering it back to the ground. Do 1 set of 10 with each leg before starting on your second set. 

The Complete Guide

If these exercises were exactly what you’ve been needing, the complete Growing Stronger guide contains even more. Let us know in the comments below if you try it out! If you’re ready to step things up, come check out our Silver Sneakers program. In this group class, you’ll work on total-body conditioning in an instructor-guided setting where you can still go at your own pace.  

For more information on healthy living in older adulthood, read our registered dietitian’s answer to this question on Protein Advice for Seniors. Or, for a boost of motivation, read Paul and Karen’s success story who say the gym is like their fountain of youth! To access our monthly blog post highlights, subscribe to our newsletter, today! 


  1. Seguin, Rebecca A., et al. “Strength Training for Older Adults: Growing Stronger.” Www.CDC.gov, Tufts University, 2002, www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/downloads/growing_stronger.pdf. 



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