The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss – Weight Training

The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss – Weight Training

Find Your Weight Training Plan

There are multiple angles you can take to attack unwanted weight, all of which can make a significant impact on their own. But why take only one angle when you can combine them to formulate a complete plan of attack? That’s what The 3 Pronged Attack for Weight Loss is all about: taking multiple angles or “prongs,” to attack and conquer the villain that is unwanted weight once and for all! One of those prongs is WEIGHT TRAINING.


The Sculpted in 16 Weeks Total Body New Year’s Workout

The Sculpted in 16 Weeks Total Body New Year’s Workout

Weeks 1 & 2

It seems like as soon as the New Year’s Eve ball drops in Times Square, people start making their New Year’s resolutions, and for many that means losing weight, getting into the gym and working out more this year.

If your resolution is to get sculpted and defined, we’ve got just the thing to help you hit the treadmill running this January! This amazing 16-week workout will guide you along over the next 16 weeks and challenge your body with a progressive program that combines circuit training and cardio.




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