Cable shoulders - Bethany- February 2015-13

Shoulder Exercises – Cables 101

Whether your goal is to enhance athleticism, aesthetics or overall health, your shoulder muscles are going to play a large role in your training and conditioning. Even though they are considered one of the smaller major muscle groups, your shoulders need to be stable, strong and have endurance to perform most of the upper body movement for your chest, back, triceps and biceps.

That being said, it makes sense that increasing the strength, endurance and muscle definition of your shoulders can equate to stronger and more defined chest, back, triceps and biceps muscles.

Shoulder cable exercises offer another outstanding way to work this key muscle group. Check it out and let us know what you think in our comment section below.


Cable Front Raise with Bar

  1. Grasp the bar with your palms facing toward you.
  2. Keeping your elbows only slightly bent, slowly raise the dumbbells up in front of your body.
  3. Continue raising the dumbbells until your arms are level with your shoulders and parallel to the floor.
  4. Lower the bar back to the starting positions.

Top Tip: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your feet straight in order to stabilize your body throughout the lift.

Top Tip: DO NOT swing the weight up using your momentum, or lean back, during this exercise. If you cannot complete this without swinging, reduce the weight you are lifting.

Top Tip: DO NOT allow your wrists to bend throughout the exercise.



Standing Cable Overhead Press

  1. Stand upright holding the cable handles in each hand.
  2. Begin with elbows slightly below shoulder level with your palms facing forward.
  3. Extend the cables upwards and toward each other, until your arms are straight and parallel.
  4. Slowly lower the cables back down to the starting position.

Top Tip: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your feet straight in order to stabilize your body throughout the lift.

Top Tip: DO NOT allow your wrists to bend throughout the exercise.



Standing Cable Lateral Raise

  1. Stand holding the cable handles in front of you, crossing the cables as shown (with the machine behind you, you will hold the left cable in your right hand and the right cable in your left hand).
  2. Keeping your elbows just slightly bent, raise the cables up and out to your sides.
  3. Continue raising the cables until they are at shoulder level and parallel with the floor.
  4. Hold, then lower the cables back to their starting positions.

Top Tip: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your feet straight in order to stabilize your body throughout the lift.

Top Tip: DO NOT swing the weight up using your momentum, or lean back, during this exercise. If you cannot complete this without swinging, reduce the weight you are lifting.

Top Tip: DO NOT allow your wrists to bend throughout the exercise.



Standing Cable Upright Row

  1. Stand upright holding the cable handles in each hand.
  2. Pull your elbows up to each side until your hands are at approximately chest level.
  1. Slowly lower the cables back down to the starting position.

Top Tip: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your feet straight in order to stabilize your body throughout the lift.

Top Tip: DO NOT allow your wrists to bend throughout the exercise.

Top Tip: DO NOT let your shoulder scrunch-up to your ears, and be careful not to stick your head out or protrude at your neck, as these are common mistakes made when performing this exercise.



Seated Cable Overhead Press

  1. Sit upright holding the cable handles in each hand.
  2. Begin with elbows slightly below shoulder level with your palms facing forward.
  3. Extend the cables upwards and toward each other, until your arms are straight and parallel.
  4. Slowly lower the cables back down to the starting position.

Top Tip: Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and your feet straight in order to stabilize your body throughout the lift.

Top Tip: DO NOT allow your wrists to bend throughout the exercise.



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