New Year 2016 LA Fitness Cover photo

The New Year is approaching, and with it comes the season of resolutions. Often, weight loss is at the top of many New Year’s resolution lists, but sticking to a weight loss resolution has proved challenging for many.[i] Studies have shown that only about eight percent of people achieve their New Year’s resolution, [ii] which is why it’s important to have the proper tools and guidance to achieve it.

Not knowing how to lose weight can lead to frustration and eventually giving up on your resolution. To lose weight, the strategy for success is a three-pronged attack that includes: CARDIO, WEIGHT TRAINING and DIET. All three elements are necessary; doing only one or even two elements is not enough.

So, if your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, you’ve come to the right place because we are laying out a plan to help you succeed this year.

Here is how (and why) each part of The 3 Pronged Attack can help you successfully achieve your weight loss resolution this year!


Cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to burn calories and lose unwanted pounds! Luckily, there are numerous ways you can regularly schedule in a cardio workout. From high-octane cycle classes to interval training on the treadmill, you have a plethora of options available to help you lose weight.


Weight training can also be an effective weight loss tool because it helps you build muscle! When you build muscle your resting metabolism increases and you burn more calories throughout the day![iii] Fortunately, there are several different types of equipment you can use to weight train including dumbbells, barbells, weight lifting machines, med balls and kettlebells. There are also many ways that you can use each piece of equipment in terms of sets, reps, time and cadence.


The most important factor when it comes to weight loss is diet and calorie consumption. In fact, by consuming 500 calories less than you expend each day for one week, you should lose approximately between 1-2 pounds.[iv] There are also several other dietary factors to take into account that we will expand on later in this series!

Follow LIVING HEALTHY as we expand on your options to help you personalize your approach and utilize each part of The 3 Pronged Attack. Each new article will give you a list of all of your options, and how you can successfully use them!

Now, take the first step towards reaching your weight loss goals this New Year!

Follow these steps to get started!

  1. Subscribe to the Official LA Fitness Blog by clicking here!
  2. Once you have subscribed, check your email for the latest article in the series.
  3. Read the articles and use The 3 Pronged Attack in a way that suits you!




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