How to stretch at LA Fitness.

 Standing Quadriceps Stretch

This stretch is designed to help release tension in the front part of your thigh, or quadriceps.

Stand and place your hands against a wall, or another surface equally stable for balance. Start by grabbing the ankle of your opposite leg with your other hand and pulling your heel forward towards your butt. Then, switch legs and repeat the stretch on the other side.

Top Tips

  • Gradually and incrementally increase the duration of the stretch, holding the stretch for 20 seconds or more.
  • The more you pull forward with your leg and hips against the resistance of your hand on your ankle, the more you will feel the stretch.
  • It is important to keep your upper body up straight, with good posture, not allowing yourself to lean forward.
  • Always remember to breathe throughout the stretch, relax, and avoid the impulse to tense up.

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