
Playing sports is an excellent way to compliment your fitness routine at the gym, no matter what season. However, there are certain sports that feel like they were just made to be played under the beaming summer sun! Make the most of your summer days and stay active playing some of these exciting sunshine sports.

1. Pickup Football:LA-Fitness-Summer-Sports-Football


Rally your friends and get a good ole’ fashion game of pickup football going! Even if you don’t get a touchdown you’ll score some serious calorie loss. Play for just an hour to burn between 480 and 710 calories per hour. *LA-Fitness-Summer-Sports-Tennis

2. Tennis:

Serve up some calorie loss with a game of tennis! You can play doubles or one-on-one! Play just an hour to burn between 420 and 622 calories per hour. *




3. Soccer:


Hit your calorie loss goal with a game of soccer! All that running up and down the field will help you burn between 420 and 622 calories per hour. *



4. Softball:

Pitch a game of softball to your friends and you will be knocking calories out of the park! Play for just an hour and burn between 300 and 444 calories per hour. *




5. Coaching:


Whistle while you work off calories! Coaching your kid’s sports team can burn a surprising 240 to 356 calories per hour. *



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* Calories burned per hour are based on a 125 to 185 pound person.



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