ask our dietitian your question todayDo you need to detox before a diet


question-answer-color-v-2Hello, I’m 27 years-old and weigh 250 lbs. I would like to start a work out plan that works for me – I have tried but failed. I’m starting to think that there’s nothing that’s going to work for me. Do I have to detox my body before starting a diet? Thank you – Alex



The solution “for you” is not one that I can provide without knowing you as an individual. Remember that what works for one person may not suit another. Also, be realistic and positive. Saying that you “failed” puts a lot of pressure on you rather than the program. Instead, tell yourself that what you tried in the past did not get you the results you wanted.

That said, I would strongly suggest that you write out everything positive from past weight loss attempts. What healthy foods tasted good? What routine worked for your lifestyle? What type of exercise did you enjoy? Was shopping/preparing homemade or fixed-portion meals better received? Your answers should help you zone in on what approach you’ll be most successful with.

When choosing a plan, don’t look to the gram, calorie and portion details. But consider the above questions and how likely you are to follow the plan and incorporate it into your everyday life to make permanent changes.

Now, about “trying.” Once you’ve followed a program thoroughly for two months straight, then you can say you’ve tried it, tested it, etc. Anything less and it’s just a sampling – like only sticking your toes in the water instead of submerging yourself.

A detox period can benefit those who need a drastic break from their unhealthy habits; like pressing the RESET button. Some people fare well with all-or-nothing, black & white rules. Others find the restrictions too disruptive and can’t wait to get to the real food. Physiologically, you don’t have to detox first before improving your eating habits. Notice I didn’t say “start a diet” which implies a temporary change.

– Debbie J., MS, RD

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Debbie James is a registered dietitian. Any views or opinions presented in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinions or recommendations of Fitness International, LLC.



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