Complement your Lifestyle…

Soccer, or football (for anyone reading this outside of North America), requires a rare type of athlete with a dynamic combination of explosive athleticism and excellent aerobic fitness. In order to compete on a soccer field, you need to be able to jog for long durations and explode into a sprint at a moment’s notice. You also need the strength and stability to leverage your body against your opponents, the agility to dodge defenders laterally while dribbling a ball and the velocity to kick the ball with power and accuracy, as well as with finesse. The best way to develop these skills and handle the physical demands of a complete soccer game is to train both on and off the field.

On-the-field drills such as shooting, passing and ball control drills are great for developing individualized skills. However, you can enhance your pure athleticism to elevate your abilities as a soccer player even further off the field and inside of the gym by using a variety of explosive and functional exercises.

Below is a workout program that you can intertwine with your on-the-field drills designed to develop your soccer skills and complement your soccer lifestyle. It can be done in a circuit, or with 90 second rests between each set. Try mixing it up and doing both for the best results.


Toe Taps w/Bosu – 30 to 60 seconds.

Push-Up w/Twist and Reach – 10 to 15 reps x 3 sets.

Bottoms Up – 25 reps x 3 sets.

Overhead Triceps Extensions – 10 to 15 reps x 3 sets.

Crossing High-Knee Kicks – 15 reps on each side x 3 sets.

Shoulder Press – 10 to 15 reps x 3 sets.

Ice Skaters – 30 to 60 seconds.

Reverse Fly – 10 to 15 reps x 3 sets.

Single-leg Explosive Lunge – 10 reps on each leg x 3 sets.

Crossover Knee-ups on Power Tower – 15 reps on each side x 3 sets.

Sprints – 30 to 60 seconds.

soccer photos and workout with Ben for LA Fitness-29

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