
A week ago I started my workout with a personal trainer at LA Fitness. My goal is to drop 50 pounds or more. What kind of food should I eat? I don’t want to be stuck eating just salads; I want variety in my diet but I need examples of how to make healthy choices. Please, advise.  – Rosana



There are many things that you can include while still losing weight! Most items people regularly eat have a healthy version or lighter calorie alternative. It might just mean switching to whole grain or sprouted bread, skipping the sauces or trading in smoothies for flavored water. Here is an example of a lower calorie alternative for tacos: Higher calorie option – ground beef tacos in fried shells; Lower calorie option – grilled chicken soft tacos. Though watching your calorie intake is important, if you do eat something energy-rich, aka high in calories, just scale down the portion size and balance your intake the rest of the day. – Debbie J., MS, RD

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