As Jenn and Sandy continue their journeys we will check in with them from time-to-time and give you updates about their lives, fitness accomplishments and their pursuit of continuously Living Healthy. There are so many amazing stories to share with you, and Real Stories has found a couple of gems just north of The Emerald City. Katie Sherry and Justin Leone reside in Everett, Washington where they train at their local LA Fitness with personal trainer Jimmy Sagnis.

Justin and Katie are an inspiring couple who found each other by chance when they attended the wedding of a mutual friend. Now they find happiness everyday by sharing in each other’s goals and dreams; one of which is to live healthier lives through fitness and an increasingly active lifestyle. They have accomplished amazing results by training with each other, and they credit the accountability of having a workout buddy as a major part of their success.

“They always have a common goal or two that they work on as a team,” said Jimmy, their personal trainer. “But they also maintain individual goals that are specific to their bodies and personal progress.”

Having now lost a significant amount of weight and accomplished running their first ever 5K race, both Justin and Katie are riding the high that comes with outstanding achievements. Their accomplishments are obtained through hard work and commitment, and they continue to set new goals as they surpass their expectations and gain newfound confidence in their ability to overcome obstacles. Next week you can see how truly impressive their progress is when we share Justin and Katie’s before photos and current photos with you; we also reveal what their next big challenge is and how far they are willing to go to conquer it!

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