“Bulking-up” or “getting bigger” is a worry that many of you have when it comes to adding resistance training to your work out program. This is one of many myths that run rampant on the floors of fitness clubs across the country. The concern that working out with weights or doing resistance training leads to big, bulky muscles is an unnecessary worry that is inhibiting many of you from reaching your weight and fat loss goal sooner.

All too often people are working hard, dieting and doing great cardio routines to lose weight. But when you ask them if they are doing any resistance or weight training you get a very common answer—“No, I am worried about bulking up, and I don’t want to get big.”

The added benefits of increased strength, balance and bone density are just a few of the missed benefits you deprive yourself of when you don’t add-in resistance training—oh yeah, and let’s not forget the fact that it will help trim your waistline even faster.

Your muscles build strength and density as you add payload or resistance as form of stress to exhaust them—or work out your muscles. By doing this you increase your activity level and burn more calories, which helps you to lose weight, and it is important to remember that muscle takes up about a third less space than does fat pound for pound. Essentially, a person who weighs 165 pounds and is 25 percent body fat takes up more space, and looks bigger, than a person who is 165 pounds and 11 percent body fat.

There is a simple FACT that should help ease your fear of putting on bulky muscles: You cannot and will not get bigger if you are losing weight! That’s right; if you are in a calorie deficit and you are not gaining weight then you won’t get bigger. Your body needs additional calories and the necessary nutrients to build muscle and expand its mass. It doesn’t matter if the size you gain is muscle or fat the principle for gaining weight and size remains the same. The simple fact is that you have to eat more and gain weight in order to “get bigger.”

In fact, putting on muscle mass is very difficult. It takes great discipline to build large muscles for those who want to do so; the steps to build “big muscles”—food choices, calorie intake and workouts—are considerably different from those of someone who is looking to lose weight.

Resistance and/or weight training is great for your body’s wellbeing and any weight loss goal. Know the facts and science behind the workouts that relate to your goal, and ignore the myths and fads that are out there. Share the facts and our blog with your family and friends, and be sure to come back for more TOP TIPS when you sign up for our RSS feed so you can continue Living Healthy!



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