Here we go again…it’s week three of the NEW YEAR, and many of us have a fitness or weight loss goal as our New Year’s resolution. But doesn’t it seem like every year you start-off with a bang, only to fall hard with a crash…never getting to your desired goal?

Here are 5 simple ways to help you stick-to your New Year’s resolution:

1.            Money, money, money, money…money! (Go ahead and sing it, it’s fun!)

Keep a reward jar and add a buck or three to the jar each time you: eat something healthy, avoid something unhealthy, exercise or even just park in the back of the parking lot and take the stairs instead of taking the easy route. Once you have reached your goal, grab the money and run…this time when you run it can be to your favorite store to buy something fun!

2.            Use a picture as your daily reminder

Post a picture of yourself—depending on what motivates you— you can use a picture from when you looked your best or use one of those photos that makes you look…let’s say “puffy”—and make sure you place the picture where you’ll see it every morning to remind yourself of your resolution. This is my personal go to motivator!

3.            Find a “resolution” buddy!

Make your resolution for fitness or weight loss with a friend who has a similar goal. This makes you responsible for their success—or failure—as well as your own. Sometimes it’s harder to let others down than it is to let ourselves down; in the end this can benefit both of you…a two-for-one deal!

4.            Sign-up for a 5k race or Mud Run

Signing-up now, for an endurance event in the spring or summer time, gives you something fun to look forward to, a tangible goal and a solid date on your calendar so you’re less likely to procrastinate. The events are full of great energy and they are designed for everyone…like you and your New Year’s resolution! It’s not about beating everyone else, it’s all about you making it to the finish line!

5.            Use ALL of the previous four tips to design the ultimate motivational COMBO!

Keep a reward jar and tape a motivating picture on it, combine your jar with your “resolution” buddy’s jar, and after you and your buddy finish your 5k, run straight to your favorite store to spend your reward money on something fun!

Happy New Year and best of luck to all of you “resolutioners”! Don’t forget to keep us updated about YOUR New Year’s fitness resolution in our comments section or Join us on Facebook!



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